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whether he needed an attorney to get through the process. If so, he felt that the City of <br />Louisville had a real problem. <br /> <br />Light replied that he would be happy to go over it with Mr. Lee or with the attorney <br />representing him, whichever Mr. Lee would prefer. <br /> <br />Mayer stated that he was very disturbed when he initially saw the appeal and felt that it <br />was an abuse of the existing process. He asked Light whether the applicant could submit <br />his modified plans to the Planning Commission, or have them reconsidered by the <br />Planning Commission. <br /> <br />Light replied that the answer to both questions is, yes. In this context, there is an <br />application filed, it was taken to Planning Commission and denied. Under the Code, you <br />are entitled to appeal that denial. You are also entitled, if you like, to ask the Planning <br />Commission for a reconsideration. Light stated that he understands that the applicant <br />filed a timely notice of appeal to have the appeal come up to the City Council. The only <br />reason it must be removed from tonight's agenda is that, under the Code, we have to give <br />notice by publication at least five days prior to the hearing and, unfortunately, it wasn't <br />done. <br /> <br />Davidson requested that Sam Light contact the applicant to go over the appeal procedure <br />and also place that information in writing to members of Council. <br /> <br />Davidson moved that Council approve the Agenda as amended, seconded by Sisk. All in <br />favor. <br /> <br />APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br />Davidson called for any changes to the Consent Agenda. <br /> <br />Simmons stated that at last night's Finance Committee meeting, the Committee reviewed <br />the bid award for the sports complex playground. The amount of work required for the <br />project exceeded the appropriation. The Finance Committee recommends that the <br />additional funds needed to complete the playground structure, specifically the protective <br />netting around the structure plus a $2,000 bid overran, be taken out of the unencumbered <br />fund balance in the Conservation Trust Lottery fund. <br /> <br />Davidson replied that this does not appear to be a Consent Agenda Item and moved it to <br />Agenda Item 6N under Regular Business. <br /> <br />Sisk stated that representatives of the Centaurus Little League are in attendance tonight to <br />present Council with a donation for the playground structure. He suggested that Council <br />move this item to Agenda Item 6B-1, to be discussed prior to the presentation. <br /> <br />Davidson agreed and called for any other changes to the Consent Agenda. <br /> <br /> <br />