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The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the ordinance at their March 18 <br />regular meeting. After discussion, they passed, by a vote of 4-1, Resolution 15, Series <br />1999, which recommends disapproval of the proposed ordinance. The resolution includes <br />a recommendation to City Council, which is stated as follows: "That the City assume a <br />strong leadership role in coordinating downtown parking or alternatively, that approval <br />and adoption of Ordinance 1287, Series 1998 be postponed until the City can develop <br />and adopt appropriate, stronger design requirements for parking facilities and <br />demolition regulations to manage the impact of new parking facilities on the urban <br />environment." <br /> <br />That recommendation generally summarizes the concerns of the Commission. The <br />Commission felt that the City should continue to have an active role in the development <br />of and oversight of off-street parking in the Downtown area. They were concerned with <br />unintended negative impacts from multiple private off-street parking lots. From an urban <br />design perspective, there was concern that these parking lots could lead to building <br />demolition and could disrupt the urban form that currently exists. There was also concern <br />that private parking lots would generally be less efficient, in two ways. Because they are <br />private, there is less of an ability to utilize a shared parking concept where different uses <br />have different peak parking demands. Secondly, smaller lots could have a less efficient <br />design and therefore use up more land per space than larger lots, which can be designed <br />more efficiently. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission also discussed the issue of whether the parking requirement <br />should be applied on both sides of the RR tracks. Because they are recommending <br />disapproval, they did not specifically provide a recommendation on that issue. However, <br />the consensus was, to be consistent with the adopted Framework Plan, all new downtown <br />regulations should be applied equally to both sides of the RR tracks. They did <br />acknowledge that the Highway 42 corridor, including the Pine Street corridor east of the <br />tracks, would be worthy of additional study. <br /> <br />Davidson opened the public hearing and called for anyone wishing to speak on Ordinance <br />No. 1287 - Series 1998 - Amending Chapter 17.20 of the Louisville Municipal Code And <br />The Louisville Commercial Development Design Standards And Guidelines To Require <br />That All Development Within Downtown Louisville Meet Specific Off-Street Parking <br />Requirements. <br /> <br />Erik Hartronft, 801 Main Street, Louisville, stated that the first reading was for an <br />Ordinance that went a long way to resolve the downtown parking problems. He felt that <br />there were many good things that have been struck from the Ordinance for the second <br />reading. The Ordinance initially stated that the City was going to take a leadership role in <br />the provision of parking downtown and help to be a leader in solving the problems that <br />may exist. The Council had indicated that the City would be providing, and always had <br />provided, for customer parking downtown. This Ordinance clearly states that the City <br />will not provide customer parking anymore for downtown retail and restaurant other than <br />what currently exists. It also states that the City is getting out of the leadership role in <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br /> <br />