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Approval of Bills <br />Approval of Minutes (January 19, 1999) <br />Approval of Agreement with Boulder County Recycling & <br /> Composting Authority <br />Approval of Agreement for Risk Management Services <br />Approval of Third Amendment to the Design Services Agreement <br /> for Cherry Street Improvements, Coal Creek Lane to <br />South <br /> Hoover Avenue <br />Bid Award - 1999 Street Median Flower Planting Project <br />Bid Award - Recreation Center Security Video Cameras <br />Bid A ward - Historical Museum <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA <br /> <br />Bill Kauffman, 905 Cypress Lane, Louisville, Colorado, stated that he is President of the <br />Cherrywood II Homeowners Association. He asked to read into the record a letter <br />regarding the possible sale of the property on Via Appia and South Boulder Road by the <br />Catholic Church. <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Mayor and respective Councilwomen/men: <br /> <br /> The Cherrywood II Homeowners Association has been apprised of a proposed <br />sale of the 15 acre tract known as Parcel "E" of the Centennial Valley PCZD. According <br />to an announcement made to parishioners at St. Louis Catholic Church, and confirmed <br />by the Louisville Times article of March 7, 1999. The article indicated that a sale is <br />pending to an unknown entity for approximately $4,000,000. The Catholic Church <br />purchased said parcel for a consideration of $495, 000 in 1993 with the understanding by <br />the developer and surrounding homeowners that a Catholic Church and School would <br />occupy the site. Each homeowner in the Cherrywood II Subdivision purchased their home <br />with the express understanding that the 15 acres adjacent to the subdivision would be <br />occupied by a Catholic Church, school, and related improvements. Moreover, the <br />Catholic Church for several years has maintained a large sign expressing its intent to <br />construct its new facilities on the subject 15-acre parcel. The homeowners of <br />Cherrywood H Subdivision believe that they and others have been mislead by the written <br />public expressions and signage of the St. Louis Catholic Church. <br /> <br /> We therefore, call on the City of Louisville to strictly enforce the contractual <br />agreements, which are found in the Centennial Valley General Development Plan as it <br />relates to this parcel of land. Our understanding is that "Amendment Five" to the <br />Development Agreement is restrictive of the usage which may be put on this parcel and <br />that no retail usage of any kind is permitted, to include, but not limited to, retail trade or <br />service businesses, motels and hotels, restaurants, automobile service stations, office and <br />research and development uses. <br /> <br /> <br />