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comment on and advise the City Council about those priorities and levels of funding. In addition <br />to the public hearing, we solicit and receive input from numerous sources, including public <br />involvement at regular City Council meetings and study sessions, feedback from the City's <br />various Boards and Commissions and information from surveys like this year's survey on voters' <br />support for or opposition to a Use Tax. We also provided information, addressed questions and <br />asked for ideas and suggestions about budget issues during a series of special presentations <br />on the City's budget and the possible Use Tax, during Ward meetings, the Mayor's "Chat with <br />Chuck ", and other City events. By considering citizens' comments in all of these forums and <br />making changes as necessary, the City Council ensures that the final 2011 budget truly reflects <br />the interests of the community. <br />Overview <br />The 2011 budget includes a total revenue projection (excluding interfund transfers) of $27.9 <br />million for all funds, which is a decrease of 2.6% over the estimated revenue for 2010. Net <br />property tax revenue is projected to remain at $2.9 million, the same level as expected in 2010. <br />As a result of the continuing economic downturn, City staff expects sales and use tax revenue to <br />decline by 2.5% in 2010 and an additional 1% in 2011. The 2011 budget includes a 5% <br />increase in water rates and wastewater rates, and a 25 -cent per month increase in storm water <br />rates. These projected changes in revenue will be discussed in more detail below. <br />The 2011 budget includes total expenditures (excluding interfund transfers) of $31.3 million. <br />Included in this amount is $21.3 million for operations, $2.6 million for debt service, and $7.0 <br />million for capital outlay. Total appropriations for all funds, including interfund transfers, are <br />$32.1 million. <br />2010 2010 2011 <br />Budge: Estimate Final <br />Beginning Fund Balance 34.857.965 34.857.965 29.025.929 <br />Revenue <br />Taxes 13.465.960 14.,417,160 14..288.690 <br />Licenses & Permits 608.680 6:6.290 707,870 <br />Intergovernmental Revenue 2.758.760 2.148.550 <br />Charges for Services 10.030.280 9.200.790 9.412.610 <br />Fines & Forfeitures 214.640 242.090 246.430 <br />Miscellaneous Revenue 1.268.100 1.370.970 1.087.750 <br />Other Financing Sources 9.390 <br />Interfund Transfers 1.843.650 1.550.020 775.550 <br />Total Revenue 30.117.740 30,225.470 28.670.450 <br />Expenditures <br />Administration 21.132.510 21.118.866 21.345.110 <br />Debt Service 3.570.480 3.385.080 2.623.880 <br />Capital Outlay 10,375.290 9.968.5 7,035.910 <br />Other Financing Uses 155,370 5.000 276.970 <br />Transfers 1.5 =2.55C 1.550.023 775.55C <br />Total Expenditures 37.091,700 36.057.506 32.060.420 <br />Ending Fund Balance 27.884.005 29.025.929 25.635.959 <br />2 <br />