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up to Council to try and figure out the facts. He expressed his strong resistance to <br />'pushing this under the rug.' <br /> <br />Keany replied that he takes offense to Sisk's comments. He explained that Council is not <br />trying to push this under the rug only for an independent investigation to be conducted by <br />an outside party. Keany stated that he did not believe Council should be discussing any <br />opinions or hearsay based upon what has been written so far. He agreed with Sisk that it <br />is important that Council find out the chronology of events, how the pieces came <br />together, and exactly what occurred. Keany stated that he has also been approached by <br />several residents wanting to know what is going on with this issue, what the outcome will <br />be, etc. He agreed that an independent investigation is needed, however, he felt that <br />discussing it on an ongoing basis and creating additional hearsay would only compound <br />the problem. Keany stated that the only discussion that should occur is whether Council <br />should request that an investigation be attempted or completed. <br /> <br />Levihn stated that he believes that Council should wait for an answer from the judge <br />before taking any further action. <br /> <br />Sisk agreed with Keany. He stated that he has no desire to be the judge and jury. Sisk <br />explained that he thought the purpose for Agenda Item H was for Council to discuss <br />having an independent investigation. <br /> <br />Mayer questioned Keany' s suggestion to refer the issue for additional judicial <br />investigation, as he was uncertain what basis Council would have for doing so. Mayer <br />explained that Council could not use the reports from local newspapers as a basis for <br />requesting additional judicial investigation. <br /> <br />Roll call was taken. Motion passed by a vote of 3-2, with Lathrop abstaining and Howard <br />being absent. <br /> <br />Davidson moved that Council approve the Agenda as amended, seconded by Levihn. <br /> <br />All in favor. <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br />Davidson called for changes to the Consent Agenda. <br /> <br />NONE <br /> <br />Davidson moved that Council approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Mayer. <br /> <br />All in favor. <br /> <br /> <br />