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All of the homes in the Treehaven Subdivision have detached garages. Although the <br />applicant’s proposed design includes a garage that is technically “attached” to the primary <br />structure, the two structures maintain an appearance of being separated as the roof line <br />over the breezeway/mudroom is substantially lower than the primary roof lines of both the <br />garage and the home. This design accommodation helps to maintain the appearance of a <br />garage that is detached from the principle structure. The proposed design will not alter the <br />essential character of the neighborhood or district in which the property is located, nor <br />substantially or permanently impair the appropriate use or development of adjacent <br />Staff finds this criterion has been met. <br />property. <br />6.That the variance, if granted, is the minimum variance that will afford relief and is <br />the least modification possible of the provisions of Title 17 of the Louisville <br />Municipal Code that is in question. <br />The applicant has requested to encroach 12.5 feet into the primary structure rear setback <br />to construct a third bay on an existing two car garage. If granted, the setback variance <br />would be the minimum amount of relief necessary to permit the applicant to construct the <br />Staff finds this criterion has been met. <br />desired improvement. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS: <br />Public notice was mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. <br />Staff has received comments from four surrounding property owners in support of the <br />proposed variance. These letters are included as Attachment 3. If additional comments <br />are received prior to the hearing, that information will be presented at the hearing. <br />STAFF COMMENTS AND BOARD ACTION: <br />Staff finds that variance criteria 1, 2, and 3 in Section 17.48.110 of the LMC have not been <br />met and therefore recommends denial of the variance request. <br />The Board may approve (with or without condition or modification), deny, or continue the <br />application to a future meeting for additional consideration. The Board may also request <br />additional information if they feel it is needed for their proper consideration of the variance <br />application. The Board will need to make a determination based on the application as it <br />has been submitted. If the Board desires the applicant to make changes to the application <br />that would affect the extent of the variance requested, staff recommends the Board <br />continue the hearing to a later date. <br />The Board needs to find that all six variance criteria, insofar as applicable, have been met <br />in order to grant approval of a variance. If the Board wishes to deny the variance requests, <br />staff recommends passing a motion denying the variance indicating which criteria for <br />approval have not been met. If the Board determines that the variances meet all of the <br />criteria for approval, staff recommends passing a motion approving the variance request. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />1. Applicant Information <br />2. Site Plan <br />3. Public Comment Received <br />4 <br />