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Number of artifact donors, by year4248 <br />Number of individual items 450 individual items2,450 (estimated 1,700 <br />donated,by yearslides plus 750 other <br />individual items) <br />Estimated total number of items in 13,95013,500 <br />collectionas of 12/31 <br />i <br />The Historical Museum experiences usage in terms of visitors to the Museumitself, attendance at off- <br />site programs, and readership of its quarterly publication, and also in terms of reference questions that <br />are communicated by email and telephone. Due to time constraints, the Museum staff member does not <br />keep track of the numbers of these additional inquiries. However, it has been observed that since the <br />Museum public hours were reduced on December 1, 2009, inquiries by email and phone have <br />increased. <br />ii <br />For the year 2010, .5 FTE was budgeted for the management of the Museum and .23 FTE was <br />budgeted for historic preservation work. In 2010, this historic preservation work began to include the new <br />landmarking program and the Jefferson Place survey research. <br />iii <br />For the months of January through November 2009, the Museum staff member both managed the <br />Museum and conducted research on the histories of historical buildings for the City of Louisville as a .73 <br />FTE employee. For the month of December 2009, this was changed so that .5 FTE was budgeted for the <br />management of the Museum and .23 FTE was budgeted to come from the Historic Preservation Fund for <br />historic preservation work. <br />iv <br />These 1040 hours represent the budgeting of .5 FTE for Museum staff. In addition, there is .23 FTE to <br />do historic preservation work. This consisted of 468 hours spent on historic preservation work in 2010 in <br />addition to the 1040 hours for the Museum. <br />v <br />These 1463 hours included historic preservation work in addition to the management of the Museum for <br />the months of January through November 2009 because there was no differentiation made at that time. <br />For December 2009, there were an additional 45 hours (.23 FTE for the month of December only) <br />budgeted for historic preservation work that are not included in the 1463 hour figure. <br /> <br />