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Licensee means the person to whom a license has been issued pursuant to this <br /> chapter. <br /> Licensed premises means that portion of a property, building, or other structure which <br /> is owned or in possession of the licensee and which is used for the purpose of storing, <br /> processing, displaying for sale, selling or otherwise distributing medical marijuana or <br /> other products by a licensee. <br /> Local licensing authority means the City of Louisville Local Licensing Authority. <br /> Location means a particular parcel of land that may be identified by an address or <br /> other descriptive means. <br /> Medical marijuana means marijuana that is grown and sold pursuant to the provisions <br /> of this chapter and for a purpose authorized by Section 14 of Article XVIII of the Colorado <br /> State Constitution. <br /> Medical marijuana business shall mean any person acting alone or in concert with <br /> another person, whether for profit or not for profit, who cultivates, grows, harvests, <br /> processes, packages, transports, displays, sells, dispenses or otherwise distributes the <br /> stalks, stems, roots, seeds, leaves, buds or flowers of the plant (genus) cannabis, or any <br /> mixture or preparation thereof, for medical use as authorized by Article XVIII, Section 14 <br /> of the Colorado Constitution. <br /> Medical marijuana center means a person licensed pursuant to this chapter to <br /> operate a business as described in C.R.S. 12- 43.3 -402 and this chapter that sells medical <br /> marijuana to registered patients or primary caregivers, but is not a primary caregiver. <br /> Medical marijuana delivery business means a medical marijuana business that delivers <br /> medical marijuana to a patient or primary caregiver at a location other than a licensed <br /> premises. <br /> Medical marijuana infused products manufacturer means a person licensed pursuant <br /> to this chapter to operate a business as described in C.R.S. 12- 43.3 -404 and this chapter. <br /> Medical marijuana paraphernalia or paraphernalia means devices, contrivances, <br /> instruments and paraphernalia for inhaling or otherwise consuming medical marijuana, <br /> including, but not limited to, rolling papers, related tools, water pipes and vaporizers. <br /> Minor patient means a patient less than eighteen (18) years of age. <br /> Patient means a person who has a debilitating medical condition as defined in <br /> Amendment 20. <br /> Person means a natural person, partnership, association, company, corporation, <br /> limited liability company, or organization, or a manager, agent, owner, director, servant, <br /> officer, or employee thereof. <br /> Premises means the legal parcel of property upon which a medical marijuana center <br /> or medical marijuana- infused product manufacturer is located. <br /> Primary caregiver means a natural person, other than the patient and the patient's <br /> physician, who is eighteen (18) years of age or older and has significant responsibility for <br /> managing the well -being of a patient who has a debilitating medical condition. <br /> Registry identification card means that document, issued by the state, which identifies <br /> a patient authorized to engage in the medical use of marijuana and such patient's primary <br /> caregiver, if any has been designated. <br /> 5 <br />