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<br /> WHERE S, the proposed issuance of the industrial development <br />revenue bonds a d the execution of related financing documents are not <br />prohibited by t e ordinances or rules of the City; <br /> NOW, HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF LOU SVILLE, COLORADO: <br /> Secti n 1. In order to induce the User to complete the <br />Project within he City, the City shall take all steps necessary or <br />advisable to ef ect the issuance of industrial development revenue <br />bonds or other bligations in a maximum aggregate principal amount <br />of $200,000.00 the "Bonds") . No costs are to be borne by the <br />City in connect on with the issuance of the Bonds. <br /> Secti The terms and conditions of the Bonds and of <br />the financing d cuments relating to said Bonds or other obligations <br />will be mutuall agreed upon by the City and the User, and prior to <br />their execution such documents will be subject to authorization by <br />Ordinance of th City Council pursuant to law and any ordinances or <br />rules of the Ci <br /> Secti The User has agreed to provide for reimburse- <br />ment of all exp incurred or to be incurred by the City related <br />to the User's P <br /> Secti n 4. Neither the Bonds, including interest and any <br />premiums , nor anything contained in this Resolution shall <br />constitute a de t or indebtedness of the City within the meaning of <br />the Constructio or Statutes of the State of Colorado, nor give rise <br />to a pecuniary iability of the City or a charge against its general <br />credit or taxin powers. The bonds shall be payable solely from and <br />secured by a pl dge of the revenues derived from and payable pursuant <br />to the documents referred to in Section 2 hereof. <br /> n 5. All commitments by the City made herein are <br />subject to the ondition that on or before one year from the date <br />hereof, and the User shall have agreed to mutually accept- <br />able terms for he Bonds or other obligations provided for hereunder, <br />in an amount no to exceed $200,000.00 and for the sale and delivery <br />thereof. <br /> Secti n 6. The Mayor, City Clerk, City Attorney, City <br />Administrator, nd other officers and agents of the City are hereby <br />authorized to 1 itiate and assist in the preparation of such financing <br /> -2- <br />