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Louisville Housing Authority Agenda and Packet 2011 06 28
2011 Louisville Housing Authority Agendas and Packets
Louisville Housing Authority Agenda and Packet 2011 06 28
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7/8/2011 8:52:45 AM
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LHAPKT 2011 06 28
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Walt stated that he felt the most important thing was for children to be checking in on the welfare of their parents. <br />Frank asked Ruth to provide him with the names of the tenants for whom she had concerns after the meeting. <br />Director's Report <br />Frank gave an update on different projects that the department is working on. The Josephine Commons Development <br />project in Lafayette has received final plan approval. Groundbreaking for the senior building will occur this summer, <br />and the first phase should be complete during Summer 2012. The date of the Groundbreaking Ceremony is being <br />finalized with the commissioners. The project was in about 4 years of planning and development. The total finished <br />development will provide 153 housing units. <br />Scott asked if Josephine Commons would serve as a case study for other agencies around the country. Frank said that <br />will hopefully be the case, especially in terms of green building. Frank discussed the financial model of the <br />development with Scott and Sheri. <br />We are in the process of contracting out for service dollars through Temporary Human Services Safety Net (1A) <br />funding, focusing on needs in the community we can help to meet. We are trying to look at different services throughout <br />the spectrum, including services for seniors. We are doing our best to make the most of the dollars we were given by <br />getting that money to the people that need it most, and then hoping that it will move through the community and help in <br />the economic downturn. <br />We are also concerned and taking a look at budget cuts that have been made in various housing programs, including <br />block grants, Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8), and Housing Counseling programs. We are trying to come up with <br />ways to creatively make sure that we can support and sustain these programs. We are fortunate to be in a strong position <br />to make our way through this. With our merged department, we are able to utilize diverse funding sources to maximize <br />services provided. <br />Walt asked if the department has been able to get any funds from charitable foundations. Frank responded that we have. <br />We have about $2 million in grants from foundations for programs like FSS, after- school programs, healthcare outreach, <br />and assistance for families in the downturn. The largest amount of funding has been for the Boulder County Healthy <br />Kids initiative. Frank explained that such monies can usually be counted on less for ongoing operations and more for <br />initiatives. <br />Finance Report <br />2010 Audit Update <br />Representatives from the independent auditor Clifton Gunderson will attend the June meeting and will provide a final <br />report on the 2010 audit. <br />Analysis and Proposal for. East Street Operating Reserve Accounts <br />We have the promissory note finalized for funding of the operating reserves, and it will be sent to US Bank for <br />approval. <br />Vipheatra asked for feedback on the way the financial summaries are being presented in the board packets. The Board <br />agreed that the update with bullet points is a great way to get information since it is much more convenient than reading <br />financial statements. <br />Vipheatra provided updates on budgets at the various properties (info can be found in board packet). There were no <br />questions from the board. <br />HUD Public Housing Disposition <br />Chuck reported that we are in continued engagement with Rod Solomon and Associates for consulting during the <br />process of application for disposition. Rod Solomon has asked that we wait until 2012 to apply since the Federal budget <br />may be more in our favor at that time. Chuck is working on preparing the application, which is quite lengthy and <br />tedious. <br />
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