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<br />Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />November 8, 2006 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />speed of traffic and the inadequacy of the current crosswalk, OSAB is <br />resolved to encourage the City to: <br />1) not expand the parking lot at Davidson Mesa at this time; <br />2) install flashing lights and move the crosswalk to the north at the soonest <br />possible time that the! budget will allow, and/or consider funding <br />opportunities to provide an underpass at this location; <br />3) add signage at the~ Davidson Mesa open space parking lot about <br />available parking across the street; <br />4) Add additional and more visible signage of the approaching cross walk <br />(for north and south bound traffic); <br />5) provide a better painted crosswalk; and, <br />6) improve the island safety at that location. <br />Flooding exists at Davidson Mesa at the new section and that is being corrected. <br />Mikael asked about dog poop at Davidson Mesa and Scott indicated that the <br />Staff is looking at some creative solutions to this type of problem. <br />The trails maps are complete and look great! They are available to the public for <br />free. <br />OSAB passed a resolution formally recognizing Jeff Moline's years of service to <br />the City of Louisville and thanking for that service, and directed Scott Robson to <br />prepare a certificate to preslent to Jeff Moline. <br />Potential Open Space Acqluisitions - Scott made presentation on two parcels <br />that may become available for purchase for open space. <br />David Waldman recused himself from discussion of Property No.1, Gateway <br />Property, and the Board provided guidance to Staff about this property. <br />David Waldman and the Board discussed Property No.2, Davidson Mesa, and <br />provided guidance to Staff about this property. <br />Next meeting items - OriE!ntation, park waste cleanup issues, goal setting, site <br />visits, "Adopt an open space" program, revisit acquisitions issues. <br />Adjourn - The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 pm. <br />