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Ordinance 2007-1507
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2007 Ordinances
Ordinance 2007-1507
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3/12/2021 10:56:40 AM
Creation date
4/20/2007 12:11:36 PM
City Council Records
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ORD 2007-1507
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<br />Sec. 3.24.010. Established. <br />There is established within the city a Tax and Fee Business Assistance Program ("BAP"). <br />Sec. 3.24.020. Purpose. <br />The purpose of the BAP created by this chapter is to encourage the recruitment, retention, <br />establishment and/or substantial expansion of sales tax generating businesses and employers <br />within the city, thereby stimulating the economy of and within the city, providing employment <br />for residents of the city and others, further expanding the goods and services available for <br />purchase and consumption by businesses and residents of the city, and further increasing the <br />sales taxes and fees collected by the city, which increased sales tax and fee collections will <br />enable the city to provide expanded and improved municipal services to and for the benefit of the <br />residents of the city, while at the same time providing public or public-related improvements at <br />no cost, or at deferred cost, to the city and its taxpayers and residents. <br />3.24.030. Definitions. <br />As used in this chapter and all sections thereof, the following phrases shall have the <br />following meanings: <br />Applicant means the owner(s) of real property upon which a business is operated or <br />proposed, or the operator of a business located or proposed to be located within the city. <br />Enhanced sales tax means the amount of sales tax collected by the city over and above a <br />base amount negotiated by, and agr'eed upon by, the applicant and the city, and which amount is <br />approved by the city council, which base amount shall never be lower than the amount of sales <br />taxes collected by the city at the property in question in the previous twelve (12) months-or, in <br />the case of a vacancy, the last twelve (12) months of operation-plus a reasonable and agreed <br />upon percentage of anticipated increase in sales taxes, or, in the case of a newly established <br />business, an amount which represents the good-faith determination by the applicant and the city <br />as to the amount of sales taxes which could be generated from the new business without the <br />participation by the applicant in the BAP created under this chapter. <br />Fees means the amount of building permit fees and construction use taxes collected by <br />the city during the construction permitting process for initial construction of a project <br />participating in the BAP created under this chapter. <br />Operator means the owner or potential owner of a business that is eligible for inclusion <br />in the BAP created by this chapter. <br />Owner means the record ovvner or potential record owner of real property upon which <br />one (1) or more business is operated. <br />Sec. 3.24.040. Basis for participation. <br />2 <br />
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