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prior to payment to Rocky Mountain Natural Labs. ofanv rebate pursuant to this <br /> Agreement. <br /> l uttrt, {,_cress Elie rebates pro\ iclt,d for under this Agreencn' are solely for the <br /> initial construction on the project, \n■ subsequent construction activities shall he subject <br /> to payment without reh;ate of all applicable- budding permit fees and construction use <br /> taxes. <br /> 7. Lutire '\crcelllent. This instrumeni ,hull constitute the entire agreement <br /> het∎veen the (t■ and Rocky \fountain Natural i.iab.s, l:I C, and supersedes 1.n\` prior <br /> agreements her\\cen the parties and their agents or representatives. :ill of` \\hleh are <br /> tnerge(i into and reVoked hV' this Agrcc'rnent \vith respect to its subject hatter. <br /> S. 'Telminalion. fhis Agreement shall terminate anal become vmid and ni no force <br /> or effect upon the Cit■ I1 I' e1 y ylountain Natural t.ah t.l..(. has not completed the <br /> project and moved into its ne\\ facility at 833 West Boutin Boulder Road by Uceember 31, <br /> 2011: or should Rocky .Mountain "natural Labs, 1 1_(1 fail to comply vv itlr <uty city code, <br /> ca Business termination, In the event Rocky 1iountain Natural Labs, <br /> .eases business' operations \tit }till the t4 \vithin live (5) years after the Ile\ operations <br /> commence. then in such ev ent Rocky Mountain Natural Lab;. 1 [C. shall pay to the City- <br /> the total amount of fees and use taxes which were due and payable by Rocky \lot,mtain <br /> Natural labs, L.I.C, to the City but were rebated by the City, as tv-ell as reimburse the City <br /> for any funds provided to Rocky Mountain Natural labs. lnl_.C. pursuant to this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 10. Subordination, The City's obligations pursuant to this \nrccntent are <br /> subordinite to the C`it\'s obligations for the rcpay'lent of any current or future bonded <br /> indebtedness and are contingent upon the existence of a surplus in sales and use tax <br /> re%enucs in excess of the sales and use tax revenues necessary to meet such existing or <br /> future bond indebtedness, "lite City shall meet its iohligations under this Agreement only <br /> alter the Cit\ has satisfied all other obligations with respect to rite: use of sales tax <br /> revenues for bond repav►ncnt purposes. For the purposes of this Agreement. the terns <br /> "bonded indebtedness." "bond,," and similar terms describing the possible forms of <br /> indebtedness include all forms of indebtedness that n►a\ be incurred h\ the (it\ <br /> including. but not limited to, general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, revenue <br /> anticipation note;. tax increine notes, tax increment bonds, and all other Corms of <br /> contractual inlehtcdness r, \whatsoever nature that is in any way secured or collateralized <br /> by sales and use tax revenues of the City, <br /> 11. Annual =Apprgpriation. Nothing in this ,Agreement shall he deemed or <br /> construed as creating a multiple fiscal year obligation on the pail of the City yt ithin the <br /> ►neanin of Colorado Constitution Article K. Section 21) or atn■ other constitutional or <br /> statutory pro ision, and the C'it\'s obligations hereunder are expressly conditional upon <br /> annual appropriation by the ('itv Council, in its sole discretion. Rocky Mountain Natural <br /> labs. _.[C. understands and agrees that any decision of ('itv (ounci1 to nOt appropriate <br /> funds tear payment shall he vv ithout penalty or recourse to the City and, further, shall not <br /> affect, impair. or invalidate any of the remaining terms or provisions of this Agreetntent, <br />