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1303 Empire Road Floodplain 2 <br />The FEMA manual titled "Managing Floodplain Development in the Approximate Zone A <br />Areas", dated July, 1995 (FEMA Publication 265) provides guidance for community officials, <br />property owners, developers, surveyors, and engineers in determining the base flood elevations <br />and proper flood protection requirements for development within Zone A areas. The FEMA <br />guidelines have been utilized in the analysis of the existing floodplain zoning and the preparation <br />of this report. <br />Review of the FIRM Panels 557 and 576 show that the 1303 Empire Road property is located in a <br />special flood hazard area that originates west of State Highway 42 (Courtesy Road) in old town <br />Louisville, and is known locally as Drainageway A. Drainageway A has historically created <br />flooding conditions in the downtown Louisville area, and in the 1990's was the cause for a <br />drainage and flood mitigation project by the City of Louisville and the Urban Drainage and Flood <br />Control District. The project constructed a detention pond at Middle School Park and a 60-inch <br />storm sewer pipe to an outfall point on the east side of State Highway 42, just south of where <br />Short Street terminates. As a result of the mitigation project, FEMA approved a Letter of Map <br />Revision (LOMR) in 2000 that modified the Special Flood Hazard Area for Drainageway A. <br />Although the LOMR resulted in a substantial reduction in the downtown Drainageway A 100- <br />year floodplain, an area of Zone AH (flood depths of 1 to 3 feet, usually due to ponding) remains <br />in the downtown area. The Zone AH floodplain is created by a sump condition that extends to <br />the Burlington Northern Railway embankment to the east. From the railway embankment <br />eastward to State Highway 42, areas subject to inundation from flows that overtop the railroad <br />tracks are mapped as a Zone AE area (an area where base flood elevations have been <br />determined). From State Highway 42 eastward, the flood hazard area remained unchanged from <br />the original mapping as the Zone A area that the 1303 Empire Road property is located in. The <br />Zone A area east of State Highway 42 was not modified as part of the Drainageway A LOMR <br />revisions. Consistent with FEMA map revision policies requiring smooth boundary transitions <br />between new and old flood zones, it appears that the Zone AE area between the railway <br />embankment and State Highway 42 was used a the transition area from the revised downtown <br />Zone AH flood hazard boundaries to the unrevised Zone A areas east of Highway 42. <br />No regulatory floodway has been identified or mapped for the Drainageway A floodplain, nor is it <br />anticipated that a floodway will need to be identified or mapped as part of future floodplain <br />studies or improvements. <br />Applicable City of Louisville Floodplain Regulations <br />The City of Louisville floodplain regulations are contained in Section 17.56 of the Louisville <br />Municipal Code. Section 17.56.070 of the code states that the location and boundaries of the <br />flood regulatory district are as identified by the FEMA Flood Insurance Study and FIRM panels <br />for the city, and Section 17.56.200 states that a floodplain development permit is required and <br />must be obtained from the board of adjustment before any new land use, construction, or <br />development begins within the flood regulatory district or area of special flood hazard. <br />7115 Dry Creek Court Niwot, Colorado 80503 Phone: 720-231-3251 <br />