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HistoricalCommission <br />Minutes <br />July 20, 2011 <br />Page 2of 4 <br />c.David Buchanan: picturesof the Louisville Bachelor Clubin 1908and a <br />rag rugmade by Emma Harris of Louisville. <br />d.Dixie Buckalew: shot firer’s certificate of her father, Richard Parkin. <br />e.Arlene Leggett: photographs of pages from an old Bible from the Leggett <br />familythat includes family history. <br />f.Tom Mudrock: WWII items fromhis father-in-law. <br />g.Marge Turner,descendant of the Carveth family: digital imagesrelating <br />to her familyand the house where they lived in Louisville. <br />The Commissiondecidednot to accept a crusher ball from Alma, CO used to separate <br />mineral from ore in hard rock mining because it is not fromLouisville and is not <br />representative of the kind of mining that took place here. Bridget will encourageits <br />donation to a museum that interprets hard rock mining: <br />Bridget Bacon reported that a donor has signed a deed to donate historical interior <br />decorative woodwork from 641 Main Street, and she will contact the donorto inquire <br />about whether the woodwork could in the futurebe used as part of a Museum building <br />as opposed to being accessioned as part of the Museum’s collection. This deed will be <br />presented for acceptance at a future meeting. <br />Also, Bridget asked for guidance regarding the proposed donation of a quilt made by <br />women associated with the Pleasant View Grange. The Commission decided that the <br />quiltshould be accepted because of its connection with both the agricultural history of <br />our area and women’s history. Bridget Bacon will pursue having the deed signed and it <br />will be presented for acceptance at a future meeting. <br />Questions regarding the Museum Coordinators Report. <br />2.There were no <br />questions. Bridget shared the following additional items: <br />a.In support of the “Onthe Same Page”program,the Fall Louisville <br />Historian will focus on the Great Depression, the October Brown Bag <br />Lunch will feature family stories from Louisville in the Depression,and <br />there will be a Museum exhibiton Louisville during the Depression inthe <br />Library. <br />th <br />b.To celebrate Boulder County’s 150anniversary,a passport to visit24 <br />Countymuseums(which includes the Louisville Museum) is being <br />created by the County. <br />c.Colorado Hometown Newspapersincluded a historical item forwhich <br />Bridget was interviewed. <br />d.Diane’s first walking tour is the first Saturday in August. <br />th <br />Planning for how to observe the Museum’s 25Anniversary. <br />3. <br />a.Brown Bag talk with Museum Founders –August 2, 2011 <br />b.Openhours on Saturday, Sept 3. Diane Marino stated that she and Pat <br />Seadermay be able to supplyItalianpizzellesfor that day. <br />c.Labor Day Parade entry. Sean Moynihan will put in the entry and is <br />working on contacting theColoradoVintage Base BallAssociation <br />regarding uniforms. <br />th <br />d.Bannerto commemorate the Museum’s 25anniversary:Jennifer <br />Strandwill find out the City specifications for the bannerand will place <br />the order. <br />e.Reception: The Commission discussed plans to hold a reception for <br />members in September.The Commissionagreed to hold the event on <br />Friday, Sept. 16 from 4:30 –7:00 p.m. at Creative Framing and the <br />Museum. Invitations will be mailed to all membersas well as some City <br />staff and additional supporters. The Commission will ask Wayne Lee <br />and Maggie Snyder to do a book signing at the event. Refreshments will <br />be served at both locations. <br />D.Discussion and Approval of Revised Commission Bylaws <br />.TheCommission voted <br />to adopt the Revised Commission Bylaws that were included in the meeting packet. <br /> <br />