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Resolution 1997-02
1950-1999 Resolutions
1997 Resolutions
Resolution 1997-02
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3/12/2021 2:25:31 PM
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9/30/2005 2:31:02 PM
City Council Records
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RES 1997-02
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<br />with the Act, and to be payable solely from the loan payments or other payments by the Company. <br />The City anticipates that the principal amount of the Bonds will not exceed $2,000,000. <br /> <br />Section 3. NO LIABILITY OF CITY. The Bonds shall never constitute the debt <br />or indebtedness ofthe City, nor any multiple-fiscal year direct or indirect City debt or other financial <br />obligation of the City whatsoever, within the meaning of any provision or limitation of the <br />Constitution or statutes of the State of Colorado, and shall not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary <br />liability or financial obligation of the City or a charge against the City's general credit or taxing <br />powers, nor shall the Bonds ever be deemed to be an obligation of any officer, agent or employee <br />of the City in such person's individual capacity, and no such person shall be subject to personal <br />liability by reason of the issuance of the Bonds. <br /> <br />Section 4. INDEMNITY AND COSTS. The Company will indemnify and hold <br />harmless the City and all of its officers, agents, employees and insurers from and against all losses, <br />claims and demands, including but not limited to claims of negligence by the City, which arises out <br />of or are in any way related to the Project or the Bonds, and will obtain and have in full force and <br />effect while any Bonds are outstanding insurance adequate in the opinion of the City to comply with <br />this indemnification and hold harmless obligation. No costs are to be borne by the City, or any of <br />its officers, agents, or employees in connection with this transaction. <br /> <br />Section 5. AUTHORITY. For purposes of the Act, the Bonds shall be issued <br />pursuant to an ordinance of the City Council hereafter to be adopted. <br /> <br />Section 6. INCIDENTAL ACTION. The proper officials of the City are hereby <br />authorized and directed to take or approve the taking of such actions as may be necessary or <br />appropriate on its part in order to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution and to preserve the <br />ability of the Company to finance its capital expenditures in accordance with the federal tax <br />regulations, including applying to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs for an allocation of the <br />private activity bond ceiling from the statewide balance or from any other available allocation. <br /> <br />Section 7. NO OBLIGATION OF CITY. The agreements of the City set forth <br />above are expressly conditioned upon the ability and willingness of the City to issue the Bonds as <br />tax-exempt obligations under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations <br />promulgated thereunder as existing on the date of the issuance of the Bonds. Nothing contained in <br />this Resolution shall be construed as requiring the City to issue the Bonds, and the decision to issue <br />the Bonds shall be in the complete discretion ofthe City. <br /> <br />Section 8. EFFECTIVE DATE: REPEAL. This Resolution shall take effect <br />immediately upon its adoption, and all prior resolutions or portions thereof inconsistent herewith are <br />hereby repealed. <br /> <br />2 <br />
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