Laserfiche WebLink
Epico,H[mProposal- <br />and the storage tier. The Ut ar presentation resftie.s above these cbject5 and is accessed solely over <br />the Web through any number of browsers. Thi:: architecture allows for a very high level of configuratirm <br />and allows truly personalize, their system to match their unique needs vstith complete <br />confidence that their changes will be preserved through the life of theft changes, For reportin end <br />ana|yUo. Microsoft SOL Server Report/rig Services and Microoft SQL Server A&ysis services are <br />integrated inthroughout the system for full analysis and business intelligence capabilities <br />[pioorH[Kn: Enterprise features ata mWm:rket cost ufownership <br />The fundamental difference be.tween Epicor and other software vendors is that Foicor offers enterprise- <br />class funct.ionality — normally found in far more costly and expansive products —Ot a midmarket cost of <br />ownership, vVedo this hy providing everything you/busmossneedsmautummewdopUniss <br />operations, but ieave cut the broad, horizontal applications that have less value ,u the midma/ket, <br />Epicor focuses on end-to-end single source industry solutions: our HCM solution is inherently integrated <br />and built a single solution on powerful business architecture, Because of this approach, Epicor offers a <br />degree of functionality rarely found in other micirnarket offerings. <br />Cornprehensive HR Software <br />Today's economy demands a more pnzac:tive. strategic role for the *Rdepartment, As corrpelitwn for <br />critical resources intensifies, managers, emyioyees and candidates are demanding more from HR, <br />moving beyond self-service. to secure direct access to relevant information and processes whether in the <br />oxloa or on the road. Epicor HCM p,o,icie these capabilities and more, helping you to manage your <br />dispersed workforce, improve human resource processes, and enhance employee satisfaction for <br />greater efficiency and cost savings ar2ross the erterprise. <br />EpicorHcmavtomausyovrHRproosses.enab|hl@youtotrack'manage^andanalyzea||yuur <br />employee data from application to retirement, Robust Recruitment Management, Benefits, and Absence <br />oackinQIno!s found �}th}nthis eR|S application give you greater control over staffing, Ume-oh\ and <br />benefits admimo/stinn, with pape,|ea workflows designed to mm/kmanagEn and employees through <br />common set-up and administration operations for improved efficiency. <br />Powerful Performance Management, Reporting, and Analytics furictionality helps you align your <br />corporate goals w|m employee. pc'/o,manccand <br />erapowers you with tiexiore loots lo an alvze apphcarrt <br />and employee data for better workforce, management. <br />Deployment Options <br />Available as on-demand software asa service (saaS). <br />hosted, o, on-premise solution, EpicurHCMi,xn <br />software that can be deployed to meet your . <br />organizational requirements without comproMising <br />functionality or data integrity. To serve your HRneeds, <br />this HRmS web-based solution configures data fields to <br />reflect the appropriate format based nnemployee <br />location, as well as providing location-specific home <br />pages delivi,-qing, relevant communication and corporate standards.. <br />13 <br />.=. <br />) <br />Epicor Software Corporation 2011 <br />