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Because EpicmrH[M staNngmvnaUemembpannfyourcnnpketesyutem'ybueliminatedupUcatedata <br />entry. Epicor HCM seamlessly converts applicant: data into employee data when you hire a candidate. <br />OnboardkngPmcess <br />xR can publish aU new-hire fo,msin one location, automate the new-hire benefits selection process, nnd <br />alert new employees of important dates. To help in the onboarding process, you can pu.blish and <br />manage employee forms in Epicor HCM. Employees can use direct access to read and electronically sign <br />these important docunlc?nts, whde HR can track who has or has not ,gned. <br />Benefits <br />With Epicor FICM, administering your benefit plans is easy and efficient. You can track an unlimited <br />number of benefit ptans and manage cornplex cafeter1astyJe plans with ease. EpioxHUN'sintuitive <br />interface enables benefit administrators to. easily input: your organization's plans, options, and costs. <br />Online Open Enrollment <br />Empower your employees to make cost-effective decisions with online open enrollment. With the <br />optional Employee Direct Access module, employees can make their own benefit selections and <br />immediately see the financial impact of those changes, an themselves and on the company. Your HR <br />department saves hours of data entry while your organization saves money as a whole. Digital <br />signatures streamUne the entire process and make it tru|ypape,|ess! <br />Life Events <br />People get married, have babies, get divorced. When life events make an ernpoyee eligible for changing <br />their benefits, EpixorHON automatically sets up an open enrollmera group for those indvicivals to <br />change their benefit elections, Vou can determme which benefits they can change, 50 your organizatiou <br />still maintains control, <br />Absence <br />The impact and cost of employee absences to your organization is astounding, The absence tracking <br />features in Epicor HCM enable you to manage employee absences online to help controi those costs. <br />Absence Tracking <br />• Using the absence tracking fea onsinEpiovHCKynuoanaotomateyomtime'offpmosswith <br />multiple types of plans and accrual rates, Employees can view their accruals online and request time-off <br />using the Employee Direct Access rnodu!e. Managers ran view a grapicaI catenda' of upcoming time-off <br />and past time-off for their staff, and you can use that data to find trends in absences and help manage <br />the costs associated wiU absenteesm, <br />_ <br />Epicor Software Corporation 2011 <br />16 <br />