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<br />S 00009'32" W, 249.54 feet; thence N 49040'59" W, <br />137.95 feet to a point of curvature; thence north- <br />westerly along the arc of said curve to the right <br />whoseoradius is 210.00 feet and whose central angle <br />is 50 00'00" an arc distance of 183.26 feet to the <br />TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 0.688 acres <br />more or less. <br /> <br />Said parcel shall be zoned - Residence R2 <br /> <br />c. TRACT E <br />A parcel of land located in the northwest one-quarter <br />(NW 1/4) of Section 8, Township 1 South, Range 69 <br />West of the 6th P.M., Boulder County, Colorado, more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the <br />west one-qusrter (w 1/4) corner of said Section ~; <br />thence N 00 00'12" W, 1,991.51 feet; thence S 89 <br />40'59" E, 1()361.27 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BgGINNING; <br />thence S 00 19'01" w, 564.0B feet; thence S 79 00'00" <br />E, 555.00 teet; thence S 76 36'23" E, 104.64 feet; <br />ttmce N 80 22'0011 E, 638.91 feet; to a point on the <br />east line ot said northwest one-quarter (NW 1/8); <br />thence S 00 09'32" W, 155.4a feet; thence N 89 50128" <br />W, 3Al.93 feet; thence S 80 22'0011 W, 1l7.62 feet; thence <br />S 71 28100" W, 15g.46 feet; thence S 63 35'0011 W, 84.24 <br />feet; thence S 26 34'48" E, 160.01 feet to a point on <br />a cU6ve concave to the southeast and whose chord bears <br />S 58 5210911 W, 50.30 feet; 'thence southwesterly a long <br />the arc of said curve to the left whose rsdius is <br />949.95 feet and whose central angle is 03 02'02" an <br />arc gistance of 50.30 feet to a point 08 said curve; thence <br />N 29 36'50" W, 24~.95 feet; thence N 61 30'00" W, 18~.06 <br />feet; thence N 79 00'0011 w, 360.0B feet; thence S 33 <br />59'3811 W'~A.30 feet; thence S 13 00'00" E, 31~.00 feet; <br />thence S 46 30'0011 E, 100.06 feet; thence S 14 46131" e, <br />40.00 feet to a point on a curve concave to the north <br />and whose chord bears S 87001148" W, 227.83 feet; thence <br />southwesterly along the arc of said curve to the right <br />whsse radius is 759.88 feet and whose central angle io <br />20 25'37" an arc distance of 270.g1 feet; thence N 05 <br />39'0711 E, 40.00 fset; thence N 14 36'00" E, 225.00 <br />feet; thence N 45 48'3011 W, 79.87 feet to a point on a <br />curvS concave to the southwest and whose chord bears <br />N 27 49'16" W, 95.11 feet; thence northerly along the <br />arc of said curve to the left whoseoradius is 50.00 <br />feet and whose central angle is 144 01'30" an arc di~tance <br />of 125.68 feet to a point on said curve; thence N 09 <br />50'00" W, 74.88 feet; thence N 89035'27" W, 206.82 feet <br />to a point on a 6urve concave to the west and whose <br />chord bears N 12 27'0611 W, 222.58 feet; thence northerly <br />along the arc of said curve to the left wHose radius is <br />500.00 feet and whose central angle is 25 4311811 an <br />arc distance of 224.46 feet to a point on a reversed curve; <br />thence northerly along the arc of said reversed curve to <br />the right wBose radius is 100.00 feet and whose central <br />angle is 90 00'00" an arc distance of 628.32 feet to a <br />point on a second reversed curve; thence northeasterly <br /> <br />-2- <br />