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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 5, 2000 <br />Page 16 <br /> <br />Sisk asked the applicant to respond to the discussion on traffic patterns and the number of <br />roundtrip envisioned by the applicant. Kelley stated that while their projection is a <br />conservative estimate, a survey of another private school showed carpooling <br />accommodating 2.5 students per car, therefore they have projected 512 roundtrips per <br />day. <br /> <br />Sisk remarked that when Council first learned of the Peak to Peak proposal, there were to <br />be 110 students who were Louisville residents. Now Peak to Peak has projected that only <br />71 students would be Louisville residents. Sisk asked Kelley to explain why only 20% of <br />enrollment would be Louisville residents. <br /> <br />Kelley stated that there were 130 applications from Louisville, but not all of the students <br />who applied were accepted. She noted that during open enrollment it was not clear where <br />the school would be. She stated from her experience that people who live in the <br />immediate area are attracted to a new school, therefore the enrollment for Louisville may <br />increase. <br /> <br />Kelley stated that she wished to include additional information on the traffic issue. She <br />stated that a 24-hour traffic count was conducted on Boxelder Street, and in front of <br />Fireside and Louisville Elementary Schools. She reported the results of the survey: <br />Fireside Elementary - 3,168 total vehicles, Louisville Elementary - 5,526 total vehicles, <br />Boxelder - 1,031 total vehicles. Kelly reported on the number of trucks passing in front <br />of those locations, the results are as follows: Fireside Elementary - 41, Louisville <br />Elementary - 123, Boxelder - 64. <br /> <br />Keany stated that comments were made about codes and convenants. He noted that the <br />CTC convenants cannot be enforced by the City. He asks if the SRU application is <br />approved, would the school be at risk for civil action that would prohibit the opening. <br /> <br />Stephen C. Larson, 1'310 Laurel Street, Broomfield, CO, stated that he is an attorney and <br />that the issue would be a private concern between Peak to Peak School and the <br />landowners in that area. He stated that although he had not read the covenants, he felt <br />there were numerous ways to resolve issues, including amending the covenants. He stated <br />that it was not a proper issue for Council's consideration on the SRU application. <br /> <br />Terry O'Connor, SPF, LLC, 6685 Gun Park Drive, Boulder, CO, stated that he is the <br />owner of the property in question. He noted that he has been a property owner in CTC <br />for 20 years, and that he was not aware of any language in the convenants that prohibits a <br />school. <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br /> <br />