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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 5, 2000 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />d. Driveway expansion to be constructed to the same specifications as the <br /> existing driveway. <br />e. The driveway must remain clear of construction vehicles, equipment and <br /> materials to provide unobstructed access of emergency response vehicles <br /> during construction. <br /> <br />Paul Wood, Planning Director clarified that the motion stands as amended with the <br />applicant constructing a driveway that is 35' wide and relocating a pole at the northwest <br />comer of the drive to allow for a 7' expansion to the north. Wood stated that Staff <br />requests the applicant amend the site plan to include a 36' wide drive, allowing for a 9' <br />expansion to the north. <br /> <br />Sisk and Mayer accepted Staff's recommendation as a friendly amendment. <br /> <br />Roll call vote was taken. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 36, SERIES 2000 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A <br />REVOCABLE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF <br />LOUISVILLE AND WENDY FICKBOHM, 1314 MAIN STREET <br />(continued from 6/20/00) <br /> <br />Davidson called for Staff presentation. <br /> <br />Wood reviewed the applicant, Wendy Fickbohm's, request for'a revocable license <br />agreement to jointly use or share the driveway improvements with the Louisville Fire <br />Protection District and use the Lafayette public right-of-way as the primary means of <br />ingress/egress to the proposed rear parking area. <br /> <br />Davidson called for Applicant presentation. <br /> <br />Allan Hill, 726 Front Street, stated that he is the Attomey representing the applicant. He <br />reviewed that three licenses would be issued. 1) from the City to the applicant, Wendy <br />Fickbohm, 2) from the applicant to the City for ingress/egress on the 9' strip of the <br />Fickbohm property and 3) from the applicant to the LFPD for an easement from the <br />Fickhbohm property to the LFPD property. Hill stated that he has discussed these <br />matters with City Attorney Sam Light, and they have agreed on licensing forms. <br /> <br />Sam Light, City Attorney stated that the form incurred by Resolution No. 36, Series <br />2000, is a revocable license agreement for the public right-of-way. Light suggested that <br /> <br /> <br />