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Louisville Housing Authority Agenda and Packet 2012 03 13
2012 Louisville Housing Authority Agendas and Packets
Louisville Housing Authority Agenda and Packet 2012 03 13
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3/10/2021 3:18:05 PM
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3/22/2012 9:02:53 AM
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LHAPKT 2012 03 13
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Matters from Members of the Public <br />Jim Sprung, resident of Lydia Morgan, said he received a 5 foot tall pile of snow on his back door when <br />we had the recent blizzard. He wants to know who chooses the snow removal firm and the name of the <br />last company to do the work at Lydia. In an emergency, he couldn't get out his door. <br />Frank said he will take back his concern about the snow being behind the doors. Our maintenance <br />department contracts with other companies and he signs all snow removal contracts.* He will have the <br />maintenance supervisor talk to Mr. Sprung. Any time you have a problem, you should make a call to the <br />maintenance department. Every year we grapple with the snow removal issue and it's incredibly <br />expensive. It impacts the operating budget very dramatically. <br />Toni said that she has the same problem at Regal Square. After the last big snow storm, the snow <br />removal company blocked all the cars in. The company refused to plow the biggest lot and people were <br />stranded for days: <br />Jackie Smith said they shoveled up right up to her door. She was not able to get out until her son came to <br />dig her out for a doctor appointment. <br />2012 Comprehensive Platt — Core Values Discussion <br />Gavin McMillan; City of Louisville Planning Department, gave a brief update on the 2012 Louisville <br />Comprehensive Plan; the guiding document for goals and strategic plan for the next 25 years. It is done <br />every 4 years.. They are in the beginning stages of this update and are going around to all the boards and <br />commissions within the city of Louisville to figure out what we need to focus on, what are our core values <br />of the community and how they apply to this document. <br />He gave the .board information in the packet regarding the current vision statement and would like to take <br />that statement and boil it down to the top 8 points that are our core values as a community, what's <br />important to us, and what we are going to `address. He discussed dive rse housing stock, all income levels, <br />and life -stages. <br />Walt said he didn't see anything. in the packet regarding seniors and single level living. That's very <br />:important to seniors. .•The•real •key is single level .living. <br />Gavin said that the current population of Louisville is 18,500 ( +1). The statement that we are looking at is <br />"a family-oriented community of no more than 23,000 residents, a small town atmosphere with a <br />progressive outlook ".• The 23;000 number is a point of the current comp plan that isa good discussion <br />piece. <br />Walt takes objection to that number. In the future if light rail comes in, or the community character <br />changes, there may be more multiple housing units and there may be a need for this The character of the <br />city is the most important thing to preserve. <br />Frank said you have to get a good assessment of what the community wants to hear; educating the <br />coinrnunity about what's happening demographically and what are the issues. If you say you want a <br />small town feel but the population is dropping, what is that going to do to your excellence and education? <br />If you're seeing your child population drop, what is that going to do to your housing stock diversity? <br />Statements won't change the outcome or trend. If you have a trend, do you want to reverse it? <br />Gavin said that we are going to see some changes in philosophy and priorities in the community. He said <br />we will be back to you at the end of the summer. We are going to have a community meeting on the 12th <br />4 <br />
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