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Sustainability AdvisoryBoard <br />March-2012Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2of5 <br />VI. Presentation: CU-Denver Greenhouse Gas Study <br />The presenter was unable to make it, butMary Ann provided an update. The CU staff <br />has been occupied with another project and has had difficulty in making time. Mary Ann <br />asked them if it was realistic to expect they could find time to conduct the study, given <br />they cannot find time to attend the LSAB meeting. Her contact subsequently identified a <br />PhD student who would be assigned to conduct the study, should we proceed, and <br />committed that they would make the necessary time.Mary Ann requested that we <br />place the presentation on the April agenda and she will coordinate with CU. Mary Ann <br />is also in the process of discussing the results of studies with other cities that have <br />participated in the program. Robyn and Andy offered to assist with reaching out to <br />those cities for feedback. <br />VII. Review of March 13 City Council Study Session <br />Andy expressed that hefelt the session went well and was generally well received by <br />the council. There was general agreement on that point. Mark asked if anyone thought <br />there was any part that was not well received, and there ensued some discussion <br />regarding the GMO topic which had a mixed response from the council. Andy stated he <br />felt the city should take a stance on the issue regardless of who is managing the shared <br />lands where GMO products may be grown. Annie noted she will be meeting with <br />Malcolm on 4/2. Mark asked if the OSAB had an apparent position on the issue, and <br />Annie responded that they simply refused to comment on or discuss the issue. Mark <br />moved on to the comp plan item, which all agreed was well received, and asked for <br />thoughts on how we would proceed with it. Mary Ann suggested we divide up the plan <br />and each address one segment. There was general concurrence with this thought and <br />Andy commented that we should plan to provide ongoing feedback and instill a <br />philosophical overlay of sustainability in the plan. Dave commented that he felt <br />sustainability is embedded in the approach, for example the emphasis on pedestrian <br />and bike travel. Mark suggested everyone review the plan and provide comment, but <br />Andy noted that the new plan is not drafted and is anticipated to be very different than <br />the current plan. Dave noted that the old plan was focused on ‘greenfield’ development <br />whereas the new plan will target sustainability and re-development. Mary Ann noted <br />that the outline of the plan and the public presentation are available on the city website <br />for everyone to view. Ted suggested we should all participate in the MindMixersite to <br />follow and engage in the public discussions, and bring topics to the LSAB meeting for <br />further discussion. <br />VIII. Urban Gardens: Garden Exchange andCommunity Gardens Update <br />Mary Annprovided an update on the efforts to promote urban gardens via aGarden <br />Exchange program. Annie hasdeveloped and published a web site to enable <br />community members to connect:those who have space available for growing to those <br />who are looking for space. Mary Ann noted that the LSAB or the City would not be <br />involved in any way in these transactions; it merely provides the vehicle for community <br />members to connect. Mary Ann has created posters that she intended to put up around <br />the city and asked if there was agreement by the board to do this. The members <br />