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7 <br />RECOMMENDATION: The structure appears to have maintained excellent architectural integrity since it <br />reached its current form. Even though there is evidence of a small rear addition, the <br />remainder of the house appears to have retained its character . Many of the window and <br />door openings appear to be original as well as the roof structure and porch . S taff suggests the house be named for the Allera f amily who owned the house for more <br />than 30 years . <br /> <br />Staff recomme nds the application to landmark the Allera House be approved for the following reasons: 1. The house has retained the clipped gable, front porch, and front windows for over <br />65 years; and <br />2. Th e house was associated with Kate Allera , a prominent female businesswo man <br />in Louisville , for over 30 years . SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION: <br />Attached for your review are the following document s: <br /> <br />• Landmark Application <br />• Resolution <br />