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Planning Commission <br />Staff Report <br />May 24, 2012 <br />The Vision Statement <br />The first important step of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan Update is updating the Community <br />VisionStatement.The Vision Statementprovides the aspiration, rationale and framework upon <br />which the community policies and objectives are presented within the Comprehensive Plan and <br />ultimately which should be adopted into regulation within the Louisville Municipal Code. <br />Louisville Municipal <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />Code <br />It is staff’s opinion that the current Vision Statement can be communicated more clearly. One <br />way of clarifying the Vision Statement is to simplify the statement to ensure it maintains the <br />essence of the community’s aspirations then expand and clarify the vision through clearly stated <br />Core Values. <br />The Vision Statement should provide a concise summary of what the City of Louisville is today <br />and wishes to achieve in the future. According to the National Civic League Press, the <br />ingredients of a Vision Statement should include: <br />Positive Present Tense Language <br />Qualities that provide a feeling for the City’s uniqueness <br />Inclusiveness of the City diverse population and their aspirations <br />2 <br />