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COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL <br />FROM: MALCOLM FLEMING <br />CITY MANAGER <br />DATE: FEBRUARY 28, 2012 <br />SUBJECT: 2012 CITIZEN SURVEY <br />ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE <br />SUMMARY: <br />Staff requests the City Council discuss and approve a final draft of the 2012 Citizen Survey <br />instrument. A current draft is attached. This draft was created by staff and a City Council <br />subcommittee (members Loo and Keany) with the help of our survey contractor National <br />Research Center. <br />The hope is to keep the survey to 5 pages. If it is longer than that, NRC tells us we may lose <br />respondents; however as our response rate is usually very high, fewer respondents may not be <br />a problem. However, if the survey goes to six pages, the budget for the project will need to be <br />increased by approximately $2,000 - $3,000 to allow for additional evaluation and printing costs. <br />FISCAL IMPACT: <br />The survey contract and costs were approved by the City Council at the February 7, 2012 City <br />Council meeting. If the final survey goes to six pages an additional $2,000 - $3,000 will be <br />needed for the survey budget. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Discuss and approve a final draft of the 2012 Citizen Survey instrument <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. Draft 2012 Citizen Survey instrument. <br />LE <br />SUBJECT AGENDA ITEM <br />2012 CITIZEN SURVEY <br />3 <br />2 <br />