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<br />specifics of what the survey would entail. She also distributed an <br />overview of the survey and a copy of the current schedule. <br />c. Potential Boundaries for Survey, Mapping - The Commission <br />discussed the study area for the conditions survey and the <br />potential inclusion of additional study areas. After reviewing <br />and discussing alternatives, the Commission adopted a motion to <br />expand the boundaries of the Conditions Survey area beyond the <br />Highway 42 study area to include those areas defined in the <br />attached map. Based on the inclusion of additional study areas, <br />Ms. Rieker and staff suggested that a revised conditions study <br />schedule would be needed. They stated that a revised budget and <br />time frame will be presented at the next LRC meeting based on <br />the additional work required due to an expansion of the <br />boundaries. Additionally, meetings will be held with the public <br />in February to discuss the expanded boundaries of the survey <br />area. <br />d. Planning Department Update on Highway 42 Area Activities - <br />Ken Johnstone, Principal Planner gave an update. The City has <br />retained the firm of Walsh Environmental Engineers to perform <br />the environmental assessments for the Highway 42 area (EP A <br />grant). City Council approved the contract at the January 8 <br />regularly scheduled meeting. <br />e. Next Meeting Date - It was decided to meet on February 17 as <br />the Mayor will be unable to attend on February 10, the regularly <br />scheduled meeting date. <br />f. Next Meeting Items - 1) Update from Leland Consulting on <br />Conditions Survey, Revised Budget and Timeline 2) Pete <br />Jacobson with Dutko Worldwide, Lobbying Services 3) Planning <br />Department Update on Highway 42 Area Activities 4) Initiative <br />200 Charter Amendments, Discussion 5) Next Meeting Items <br /> <br />VII. Commissioners' Comments <br /> <br />VIII. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjoumed at 9:00 AM. <br />