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Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />May 16, 2012 <br />Page 2of 3 <br />Notes: Cullen saidto look at three things when it comes to Utilities –Consumption (how <br />much), Generation (how our energy is generated –coal, wind, etc), and Transmission <br />(robustness of the system, Smart Grid, etc.). A certain amount of determination can be <br />made about the generation (source) of energy for the public infrastructure. All agreed that <br />reduction in consumption and saving money were two integral things to be considering. <br />TRANSPORTATION <br />Alternative fuel source infrastructure. <br />Provide transportation options (other than S.O.V.). <br />City Fleet (reduce VHT and energy consumption). <br />Enhance trail system between neighboring communities for commuting and recreation. <br />Optimize perimeter infrastructure zone for commuters. <br />Plan bike lanes on all new roads –“Complete Street” designs. <br />Reduce energy consumption per passenger mile. <br />RENEWABLE ENERGY <br />Residential renewable energy clusters. <br />Incentives <br />Monetary <br />City sponsored award/certificate as motivator. <br />Awareness <br />Zoning –flexibility in zoning and building codes, exemptions <br />“WHY” <br />Reduce energy consumption. <br />Strengthen economic stability. <br />Better air quality. <br />Environmental issues. <br />Health / Quality of life / Livability. <br />Accessibility. <br />VII.Discussion of CU-Denver Greenhouse Gas Study:Mary Ann said it was time to set up a <br />meeting with MalcolmFleming, City Manager, and Dave indicated that he would get that meeting set <br />up. Dave also mentioned that the budget numbers should be submitted for review of the 2013 <br />budget, and that he would put a line item for the study at $12,000. Emily wants to promote the study <br />at the August 7th City Council meeting, and would like to receive talking points to do so. Mary Ann <br />and Emily agree to meet and go over bullet points, and Mary Ann would distribute bullet points to the <br />LSAB group. <br />VIII.Urban Garden Update:Mary Ann reported that MalcolmFlemingwas supportive of the Urban <br />Garden plan when they last met, however Chris Lichty, City Forrester, will not be able to meet with <br />Mary Ann until September. Mary Ann also reported that the first Urban Garden organizational <br />meeting went well and generated many ideas of garden locations. Emily and Dave both indicated <br />that difficulty with finding garden locations is that there is no zoning that supportsthis type of land <br />use, and there needs to be more flexibility to make this work. It would be interesting to look at Urban <br />Gardens withinPhase 2 of Steel Ranch, and it was suggested to connect with the private developer, <br />Justin McClure. Mary Ann is currently considering unused park spaces for Urban Gardens. The <br />booth at the Farmer’s Market is getting great response. Emily suggested thatUrban Gardens get <br />added as a discussion on the Envision Louisville website. <br />