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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 19, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 20 <br />Darlene Nahodyl, 2333 Dogwood Circle, Louisville, CO urged Council to approve this <br />resolution and move forward. <br />Mayor Muckle closed the public hearing. <br />Council member Yarnell moved City Council approve Resolution No. 25, Series 2012 <br />with an amendment to the last sentence of 3(a) adding the phrase "extensive an" to <br />read; The City Council concludes that eliminating this extensive an amount of existing <br />commercial retail space from the City would undermine the City's long -term capacity to <br />generate adequate sales tax revenue. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dalton. All in favor. <br />Absent: Council member Jasiak. <br />PRESENTATION — 2012 CITIZEN SURVEY RESULTS <br />City Manager Fleming introduced Laurie Urban representing the National Research <br />Center, Inc. (NRC) the company contracted to complete the 2012 Citizen Survey. He <br />stated he felt the survey reflected a continuing resident engagement in the community <br />and with City staff. <br />Ms. Urban thanked the Council and gave special recognition to Heather Balser and <br />Meredyth Muth for helping to make this survey possible. The survey was distributed to <br />a random sampling of households in March and the compilation of data occurred in April <br />and May. She stated there was a very strong response rate from the Louisville <br />community. She reviewed the "Report of Results ". In general, the numbers are <br />trending up with very positive reports from Louisville residents in almost all areas. <br />Additionally, Louisville ranks very well when compared to the national and Front Range <br />benchmarks for other municipalities. <br />Council member Yarnell asked about the meaning of affordable quality housing. Ms. <br />Urban said it was simply a gauge of resident perception and was up to the respondent <br />to determine what affordable housing meant to them. Councilor Yarnell felt a more <br />specific question might be included in the next survey as an indicator. <br />Council member Keany asked why if there could be any open ended questions on the <br />citizen survey. Ms. Urban recommended being more focused but thought it not <br />impossible to include a question requiring a written response. <br />Michael Menaker, 1827 W. Chokecherry Dr., Louisville, CO felt Ward 1 was represented <br />more specifically than the other two wards. He asked what decision was made that <br />skewed geographic distribution. Ms. Urban said the proportions usually turn out equal <br />when a random survey is done. She stated it was possible to mail out equal numbers <br />per ward but would require more work on the part of staff. <br />Tom Davinroy, 518 W. Sycamore Circle, Louisville, CO commended the NRC and Ms. <br />Urban for the survey and report. He noted the Open Space use topped the list but trail <br />maintenance had decreased. He thought the trails may be reaching the tipping point of <br />16 <br />