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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 19, 2012 <br />Page 8 of 20 <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Mayor Muckle called for public comment and hearing none, called for Council comment. <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Mayor Pro Tem Dalton wasn't exactly sure what the numbers meant. He remembered <br />an architect review and didn't see how these numbers added up. Director DeJong <br />stated the team decided to use the Request for Proposal (RFP) numbers and evaluate <br />those numbers in the analysis. <br />Mayor Muckle wanted to know how firm the tax credit numbers were. Director DeJong <br />stated getting the tax credits was a three phase process. First, the project has to have <br />historical merit, second, the project must provide design work showing what would be <br />altered without taking away from the historical value, and third the project must prove <br />the design work is complete and has been reviewed. Tax credits are then earned by <br />evaluating the preservation and use to determine eligible costs. <br />Council member Loo asked if a public entity owned the building could it result in more <br />state funding. Economic Director DeJong responded all of the additional funding <br />depended on the way it was structured. <br />Council member Keany wanted to confirm how the funding might work and the risk the <br />City would incur. Mayor Pro Tem Dalton was hopeful there was movement toward <br />minimizing the City's risk. Economic Director DeJong felt these were very significant <br />numbers and was confident Council could decide whether this structure is a priority to <br />the citizens and needs to be saved. <br />Mayor Muckle recommended Council not give direction at this point. <br />Steve Poppitz, 1031 Harper Street, Louisville, CO said he had attended a historic <br />preservation conference and learned more about getting state and federal funds. He <br />stated the private /public partnership was different but attainable. He disclosed he <br />served on the Historic Preservation Commission for 4 -5 years and had resigned a <br />month ago to not conflict with his interest in this project. <br />Council member Keany asked how Council moves forward. City Manager Fleming <br />suggested Council discuss strategy in an executive session. Councilor Keany <br />expressed a desire to cap the City's financial involvement. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 28, SERIES 2012 — A RESOLUTION APPROVING A <br />PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION GRANT FOR ROOF RESTRUCTURING FOR <br />THE JACOE - CONARROE HOUSE LOCATED AT 1131 JEFFERSON AVENUE <br />(continued from 04/03/2012) <br />Mayor Muckle requested a staff presentation. <br />20 <br />