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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 19, 2012 <br />Page 12 of 20 <br />Business (CB) district. CC, CB, PCZD -C, and MU -CC all allow restaurants and retail <br />operations as a use by right and are thus attractive locations for potential mixed <br />retail /restaurant /wholesale operations. These business models incorporate limited <br />wholesaling and distribution out the back door along with the restaurant and retail sales <br />through the front door. There are multiple businesses with varied products who would <br />like to conduct limited wholesale distribution or are already doing so illegally. Allowing <br />limited wholesale activities would provide a stronger economic base for the City while <br />resolving issues of legality. <br />Following the advice of the Planning Commission, staff is recommending limited <br />wholesale activity be allowed in the CC, PCZD -C, and MU -CC zone districts as a <br />special review use accessory to a primary retail or restaurant use. Being an accessory <br />use, wholesale sales volumes must be less than those of the principal retail or <br />restaurant use. Staff is also recommending the administrative special review use <br />procedures not be allowed for limited wholesale special review uses. This will allow <br />Planning Commission and City Council a chance to examine each application and <br />ensure the wholesale use will be accessory to the principal retail or restaurant use and <br />the wholesale activity will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Through <br />this process, limits may be set on the amount of wholesale sales in the manner most <br />appropriate for the particular business in question. <br />Wholesale activities are currently a use by right in the CB zone district, and staff <br />recommends limited wholesale sales also be a use by right in CB districts. Wholesale <br />activities are currently allowed in Industrial (1) districts, but retail and restaurant activities <br />are special review uses. Therefore, staff recommends limited wholesale sales also be a <br />special review use in !districts, to prevent retail and restaurant uses entering !districts <br />without the appropriate review. Wholesale sales of food products are already allowed in <br />the MU -CC districts in the Highway 42 Revitalization Area. Staff recommends <br />amending this portion of the code to allow the same limited wholesale sales of food and <br />non -food items being recommended for other commercial districts. <br />Staff recommends five changes to the Louisville Municipal Code to address these <br />issues. The first is the addition of Section 17.08.262 to define limited wholesale sales <br />as follows: <br />Sec. 17.08.262. Limited wholesale sales <br />Limited wholesale sales are an accessory use to a primary retail or <br />restaurant use. Limited wholesale sales are sales for resale of goods or <br />products normally produced and sold at retail on site as part of a <br />business's general retail or restaurant operations. <br />The second change is an amendment to the use table in Section 17.12.030, adding a <br />new use group as follows (words to be added are underlined): <br />Sec. 17.12.030. Use groups <br />24 <br />