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City Council <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> November 5, 2012 <br /> Page 2 of 14 <br /> Alan Sobel, 1408 Kennedy, Louisville, CO stated he was ending his filibuster, which he <br /> began on April 6th of 2010. The purpose of the filibuster was to bring awareness to his <br /> perception of the long time practice of City of Louisville officials to represent the interest <br /> of the cable company rather than the interests of Louisville citizens. He noted on <br /> September 4, 2012, the City approved the dissolution and privatization of the Greater <br /> Metro Telecommunications Consortium (GMTC). He cited and distributed several <br /> documents to the City Council and members of the public, which included comments <br /> made by City officials, lack of public information, the failure of the local newspaper to <br /> document his filibuster and excerpts from the Colorado State Statutes and Case Law on <br /> the priority of public interest over private interests. He felt the City Manager's office <br /> presented inaccurate information and Louisville's 4,000 cable customers had no voice in <br /> this matter. He felt the Council took Comcast's instructions instead of the State Statutes <br /> instructions to keep the citizens informed and involved. <br /> Council member Sackett stated Mr. Sobel is a very sincere person and faithfully <br /> attended City Council meetings, however not a single other Louisville citizen <br /> complained about Comcast. He felt the Council deals with priority items important to <br /> the citizens and no other citizen complained about Comcast. <br /> Mr. Sobel stated there are 4,000 cable customers in Louisville, who do not know about <br /> the GMTC because the City has never told them. He felt if they knew the GMTC was <br /> supposed to represent their interest they would have something to say about it. <br /> COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS ON PERTINENT ITEMS NOT ON THE <br /> AGENDA <br /> Council member Jasiak expressed her thanks to the public for attending the Ward <br /> meetings and the Mayor's meeting and taking part in the community discussions. <br /> Mayor Muckle explained the road construction on US 36 is the first phase of the <br /> expansion of US 36 to include bus express lanes and HOV lanes, which will go from <br /> Pecos to 881h Street Bridge over US 36. This phase is fully funded through contributions <br /> from RTD, CDOT and Federal loans and will be complete in December of 2014. The <br /> funding on the second phase is underway and will be from 88th Street to Table Mesa, <br /> with a completion date in the summer of 2015. By 2015 there should be improved <br /> roads with bus lanes from Boulder to Denver. Discussions continue on the FasTracks <br /> component for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and the funding through RTD to enable the bus <br /> service to begin when the road is complete. RTD agreed to fund the 1-225 light rail <br /> expansion. RTD offered to fund a study to look at all mobility options available to the <br /> Northwest region. <br /> APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA <br /> Mayor Muckle called for changes to the consent agenda and hearing none, moved to <br /> approve the consent agenda, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Dalton. All were in favor. <br />