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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 3, 2001 <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />Edwards have chosen to pursue a request for a PUD amendment for the 22 single-family <br />lots to which the 2,000 square lot/building coverage limitation applies. Wood stated that <br />the Edwards have surveyed their neighbors and have received written support for the <br />request from all property owners/residents directly affected by the change. <br /> <br />Wood reviewed the policy issue of the requested amendment and recommended caution <br />in amending portions of approved PUDs. He noted that a PUD is a master planned <br />development concept where variations to the standard zoning code requirements may be <br />made in individual sections. To the extent that if the parts are amended in a significant <br />manner, the intent of the overall master plan concept could be lost. He noted that neither <br />the Staff nor the Planning Commission found in this instance that the requested change <br />would alter the essential character of the overall PUD. The applicant has requested that <br />the City Council consider a refund of the application fees paid for the PUD amendment <br />process. Wood stated that the Planning Commission reviewed the request at their June <br />12th, 2001 meeting and recommended approval with one condition. <br /> <br />Davidson called for Applicant presentation. <br /> <br />lan Edwards, 615 West Street, Louisville, CO, stated that they have spoken to the <br />homeowners in the single-family and town homes and received written confirmation that <br />they will not oppose the PUD amendment and in fact, support the amendment. He stated <br />that since the lot sizes vary they want to be less restrictive but want to maintain the <br />character of the neighborhood. He stated that they love the area, and wish to add a small <br />addition to their home. He requested relief from the $775.00 fee. <br /> <br />Mayer asked if the house is single or two story home. Edwards stated that his home is a <br />berm house so that the first floor is sunken. <br /> <br />Mayer voiced concern over allowing 10,000 SF lots to build within 30 percent of the lot <br />area. He stated that would allow a 6,000 SF home, which would be by far, the largest <br />homes in Louisville and would change the character in the neighborhood. He stated that <br />to allow two story homes, and if bermed, two and one-half stories would dramatically <br />change the character of the neighborhood. He stated his belief that it should be more <br />restrictive and all the structures should conform to the neighborhood. He suggested that <br />small reasonable expansions to homes would be appropriate. <br /> <br />Edward agreed with the Councilman Mayer's comments and stated that they would like <br />to add 15 feet to their kitchen. <br /> <br />Sisk asked Mr. Edwards the justification for requesting a refund of the $775.00 fee. <br />Edwards stated that a City planner suggested that, because he was a single homeowner <br />and not a developer he may be justified in requesting a refund. <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br /> <br />