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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 3, 2001 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />the access easement was staked at the request of the Open space Advisory Board <br />(OSAB). The slope of the access easement is proposed at 8%, which exceeds the <br />standard maximum of 5% for public streets and drives. The Fire District has reviewed <br />the easement and has not indicated a conflict with the proposed slope. The Open Space <br />Advisory Board was concerned about the safety issue related to a driveway crossing of a <br />pedestrian trail corridor. At their June 18, 2001 meeting, the OSAB agreed that the <br />proposed driveway crossing would not pose a conflict with the trail, nor should the <br />subject parcel be considered for open space acquisition. They did recommend that the <br />drive crossing be posted to alert trail user of the drive crossing, and the Engineering <br />Division review that proposed landscaping. <br /> <br />Wood reviewed Ordinance No. 1363, Series 2001, if authorized will zone the subject <br />property to City of Louisville, Single Family Estate (SF-E). He noted that the SF-E zone <br />district provides for a 15% lot coverage maximum. The current property owner is <br />seeking to sell the subject property to Todd and Calla Lovrien who propose to plat the <br />subject property for one single family home. Wood stated that the Planning Commission <br />held a public hearing on June 12, 2001 and voted to continue the zoning issue to their <br />July 10, 2001 meeting. <br /> <br />Davidson opened the public hearing and asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak <br />for or against Resolution No. 30, Ordinances No. 1362 and 1363, Series 2001. <br /> <br />City Attorney Light requested that Council, by motion, formally include in the record of <br />the public hearing the following documents: The annexation and zoning applications <br />filed by the applicant, all the documents the applicant has filed with the City, all the <br />materials included in the City Council Packet, the minutes of the Planning Commission <br />hearing to date on the application, the City's zoning and subdivision ordinance, the City <br />Comprehensive Plan and other forms of records in the Planning Department files that are <br />related to the annexation and zoning. <br /> <br />Davidson moved that the materials outlined by the City Attorney be included in the <br />record. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Davidson called for Applicant presentation. <br /> <br />John R. Mehaffy, Martin & Mehaffy, LLC, 1655 Walnut Street, Boulder, CO, Attorney <br />representing the applicants, agreed with the Staff recommendation on Resolution No. 30, <br />Series 2001, that the property is eligible for annexation. With respect to Ordinance No. <br />1362, Series 2001, he stated that the Open Space Advisory Board has reviewed the <br />property and the concerns about the trail have been addressed. He noted that the <br />annexation agreement would be finalized soon. He reported that they have met with the <br />Home Owners Association and are working towards an agreement. Mehaffy stated that <br />there is an option to begin the zoning process before the annexation. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />