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L Cityqf <br />Louisville <br />COLORADO - SINCE 1878 <br />December 18, 2012 <br />Mayor and City Council <br />City of Louisville <br />749 Main Street <br />Louisville, CO 80027 <br />Dear Mayor and City Council: <br />Office of the City Manager <br />I am pleased to present to you the 2013 Annual Operating and Capital Budget. The City of <br />Louisville Municipal Code section 3.04.030 states that the City Council shall adopt an annual <br />budget for each fiscal year in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Local Government <br />Budget Law of Colorado, (Code 1962, 6.2; Code 1977, 3.04.020). City Council formally adopted <br />the 2013 Budget on November 5, 2012 by passing Resolutions 71, 72, and 73. <br />The City is in good fiscal health. This is the result of several things including (1) the voters <br />approving the Use Tax in November 2010, (2) the current level of building activity generating an <br />increase in building permit and building use tax revenue that is likely to continue for several <br />more years, (3) Louisville being recognized as a great destination for food and fun and the <br />resulting sales tax revenue generated by those activities, and (4) the actions that you approved <br />in late 2009 and early 2010 to bring the City's expenditures and revenues back into balance <br />even though we had lost two of the City's largest retail businesses (Sam's Club and Safeway). <br />The City's fiscal health makes it possible to adopt a 2013 Budget and Five -Year Capital <br />Improvements Plan that would fund several large capital projects including the City Services <br />Facility reconstruction ($6.5 million), the Diverging Diamond Interchange at McCaslin Blvd and <br />U.S. 36 ($3.5 million to be combined with $9.0 million from other entities), and the South Street <br />Gateway Underpass ($2.9 million), while still increasing funding for the City's street resurfacing <br />program from the current level of $1.25 million, to $1.5 million in 2015 and then $1.75 million in <br />2016 and 2017. This will optimize the level of resurfacing we can do and minimize the life -cycle <br />costs of maintaining the City's streets. <br />2013 Goals <br />Based on the City Council's discussion and direction, culminating in the September 4, 2012 <br />Council meeting, the identified goals for 2013 are: <br />• CITIZEN SERVICES: evaluate communication strategies, access to public information, <br />and new electronic services we might offer. <br />• ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: prioritize branding and marketing for McCaslin Business <br />District and CTC, continue work on Highway 42 Gateway, evaluate landscape <br />requirements for commercial /industrial projects. <br />• RESTORE THE GRAIN ELEVATOR: apply for State Grants; facilitate /encourage <br />formation of 501(c)(3) for private donations; coordinate stabilization and redevelopment. <br />1 <br />