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• PEDESTRIAN /BIKE MOBILITY: crossings at Steel Ranch /Highway 42, Highway <br />42 /Griffith (ball fields); evaluate all crossings for safety, accessibility. <br />• FOCUS ON STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR INFRASTRUCTURE, FACILITIES, and <br />STAFFING: complete plans for what is needed to build /grow and maintain what we <br />have. <br />• DEVELOPMENT PROCESS: re- evaluate the development review process to provide <br />more applicants with more predictability and a better "sense" of neighborhood, planning <br />commission, and council interests and potential objections; <br />• CAPITAL PROJECTS TO PRIORITIZE: McCaslin /Washington Underpass, South <br />Street Gateway Underpass, possible quite zones. <br />• RE- EVALUATE COMMUNITY EVENTS: consider restoring Labor Day events back <br />downtown; restoring 4th of July BBQ; cost reduction and partnership opportunities; <br />include public involvement. <br />• EVALUATE HR ISSUES: including staffing levels, benchmarking, benefits, succession <br />planning, and career advancement. <br />• COOPERATION: continue regional /intergovernmental cooperation and identify <br />intergovernmental and public /private projects to help meet the City's goals. <br />• RECREATIONAL PARKS /TRAILS BOARDS: consider new jurisdiction for existing <br />board, creating new one or consolidation to improve coordination on Open Space, <br />Parks, Horticultural and Trails issues. <br />• SUSTAINABILITY: increase diversion rates (for public and private companies /events), <br />identify energy efficiency goals. <br />These goals reflect specific areas of emphasis that represent effort over and above the day to <br />day work that all City staff engages in to maintain the City's services in a broad range of <br />program areas including: <br />• Public Works, Transportation, and Public Utilities <br />• Recreation and Cultural Services (including the Library and Historical Museum) <br />• Public Safety and Judicial Process <br />• Parks and Open Space <br />• Coordination, Administrative and Technical Support <br />• Community Development <br />• Governance and Civic Involvement <br />2 <br />