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Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 16, 2013 <br />Page 2of 3 <br />Cullen suggestedthat the summary should speak to cityowned buildingsmaintaining energy or <br />reducing energy usage as the buildings age.He will work with Andy to add language to that effect. <br />Energy efficiency savings funds should be replaced each year said Dave. He has no budget this year <br />for improvements. <br />Gavinsaid livabilityis beingwoven into nearly each section inthe comp plan-streets, walkways, etc. <br />Mary Ann’sWater summary will be in the infrastructure section. If other sections need to be inserted <br />inspecific locations, Gavinrequestedthat those locations be identified. <br />City council endorsed Option 3 of the Comp Plan. That planestablished Urban, Suburban, and Rural <br />sections. <br />Upcoming meetings comp plan meetings will include a specific discussionon energy. <br />Mark said that he thought a Sustainable Environment section should remain in the plan in some <br />format. The concepts in that section couldbe repeated in appropriate sectionsto reinforce the <br />requirements.Gavin said he thought that was doable. <br />Mary Ann, Andy, and Cullen, however, felt that sustainable issues/requirementsshould be imbedded <br />in each section rather than a separate section. Emily felt that calling sustainabilityout in a separate <br />section might placeit up front in a positionthat could draw criticism from opponents. Cullen said <br />“sustainability” mightdraw criticism -so instead weshoulduse terms such as “high energy efficiency.” <br />Andy said that keeping comments centered on “livability”mightbe the best approach. The board <br />agreed to take this approach. <br />1.Gavin will forward a section on Transportation to LSAB through Kerry. Members will submit <br />anycomments to Ted,he will consolidate them,thenforward the final version to Gavin. <br />2.Everyone will review Table of Contents and forward comments to Jim-Jim will consolidate <br />comments and forward a final version to Gavin. <br />3.MaryAnn will finalize the Citizen Health section and forward to board for comments-then <br />consolidate them and forward a final versionto Gavin. <br />4.Energy section comments are to be forwarded to Andy.He will consolidate that section’s <br />commentsand forward to Gavin. <br />5.Mary Ann will forward the section on Water for it’s final review, consolidate any comments, <br />and forward a finalversion to Gavin. <br />Cullen suggested that each member review all sections one final time to ensure they flow with each <br />other. <br />All commentsneedto be returned to Gavin by January 31st. <br />IX. 2013 Goals <br />Goals discussed included: <br />Baseline Energy assessmentreport-indicatethat we will continue in anadvisory role <br />Community gardens-establish one this year <br />Urban ag white paper-Mary Ann verifiedwith Troy Russ that this is still desiredand that <br />Staff, Planning Commission, and City Council would appreciate making a decision from the <br />white paper analysis, not before, on any chicken, bee, urban ag requests.Troy requested <br />that he be activein the development of this paper. <br />Work with the Building Code Board of Appeals -enter into their assessment of Green building <br />codes discussion <br />Continue involvement with Planning Department aftercompletion of theComp Planprocess <br /> <br />