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Our commissioners commitment to the community saw this as the top parcel to acquire <br /> It is similar in size to Josephine Commons (14 acres) <br /> Preliminary conversations regarding use have begun with Planning staff <br /> Other entities have been looking at it and have submitted a back-up contract <br /> It demonstrates the commitment from Boulder County to the City of Louisville <br /> We will be looking at senior housing building and other options there <br /> <br /> <br />Frank announced to the Board that it’s important to know that no proceeds from any of the Louisville <br />transactions were used for the purchase of the Alkonis prtoperty. <br /> <br />Willa said the success of the IGA led BOCC to focus on the commitments we made for additional units. <br /> <br />Jay will let members of the public know at the next Council meeting that it is under contract. <br /> <br />Kelly is impressed with the potential purchase that significant and what a positive impact that is for Louisville. <br />The board has hoped for something like this for years. She thanked the board for her role in Housing & Human <br />Services Advisory Board. Many positive things are happening. Most recently, encompassing Louisville, is the <br />(TSN) Temporary Safety Net; voted in by County in 2010. It is an infusion of $5 million a year to enhance the <br />services that DHHS is already providing and to change strategy for earlier intervention in the process for child <br />care, food, etc. They are helping the taxpayers understand the benefits of this approach and the money that has <br />been put into the system. Yesterday, the Advisory Board had a meeting with citizens of Boulder County to help <br />us understand the best way to share that information with the rest of the community. <br /> <br /> <br />BUDGET <br /> <br />The budget was presented, including changes and consolidations, prior to officially opening a Public <br />Hearing. <br /> <br />Richard presented the changes <br />In September 2012, four properties transferred to BCHA <br />- Lydia Morgan <br />- Lilac <br />- Regal Court II <br />- Acme <br /> <br />Document before the board is the budget and summary for the remaining two properties, Hillside and Regal <br />Square. East Street is still owned in a LIHTC Partnership with LHA as general partner. <br /> <br />Total expenses are $165,022. <br />The decrease in the 2013 budgeted revenues and expenses are reflective of the four properties moving to BCHA. <br /> <br />Shirley presented the 2013 expectation for property transfers to BCHA <br />- Regal Square is budgeted through April (4 months) <br />- Hillside is budgeted through September (9 months) <br />- East Street/Sunnyside is anticipated to divest in the first quarter of 2013 (3 months) <br /> <br />- They are pro-rated and combined on the front page of the budget documents. <br />- Associated management fees are prorated for the months in LHA before they move to BCHA. <br /> <br />Frank said that if for some reason the transactions are delayed, we will come back to the Board with a budget <br />adjustment later in the year. <br /> <br />Willa gave an update on the East Street (tax credit limited partnership) transaction