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<br />Horticultural & Forestry Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />November 3, 2005 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br />Mike read a detailed definition of IPM which could be included as a bullet point. <br />Other suggestions for bullet points included accountability and record keeping for <br />pesticide applications; requiring potential contractors to demonstrate experience <br />with and commitment to IPM practices; and requiring an annual independent <br />audit of contractor procedures and record keeping. <br />Fred mentioned that since other City entities such as the golf course and open <br />space will be affected by changes in pesticide policy, a draft resolution should be <br />passed along to OSAB and golf course management by Scott for their review. <br /> <br />It was agreed that the following steps will be taken: <br />1. Theresa and Ellen will produce a draft resolution for the board's review at <br />the next meeting. <br />2. Draft resolution will be forwarded to Scott for review and revision. <br />3. Revised draft will be forward to OSAB, golf course, other appropriate <br />boards, as well as the City manager (who will be invited to a future HFAB <br />meeting. ) <br />4. Final resolution will be presented to City Council. <br /> <br />A reminder that all board members' terms end in December 2007. Fred <br />suggested for the sake of continuity, the present board should try to solidify if not <br />finalize the resolution by the end of this year. <br /> <br />VII. Arboretum <br /> <br />1. Pergola. Chris reported that pre-fab pergolas are relatively <br />expensive. He presented a model of a pergola based on the <br />existing placement of the rock benches. Features include rough- <br />sawn cedar materials (which can be specially treated to resist <br />graffiti), a metal roof, and plans for future placement of lighting and <br />motion-sensor lights for security. <br />2. 501 c 3. Theresa spoke with Scott and then Sam, who sent her a <br />draft. It was agreed that Article 9.0 re the Board of Directors should <br />be changed to allow residents of Louisville as well as HFAB <br />members to serve on the Board of Directors. <br />3. Xeric demo garden maintenance. Theresa has spoken with Scott <br />about doing maintenance herself. He has agreed and Theresa will <br />submit a maintenance contract proposal to the department. <br />4. Brick path. Chris stated that there will be money in the Arboretum <br />budget to install the brick path, after which HFAB will be able to <br />plan and publicize a donation/engraving program. <br /> <br />VIII. Website development: No report; will be revisited after completion of <br />draft resolution. <br />