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Historical Commission Agenda and Packet 2013 08 21
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Historical Commission Agenda and Packet 2013 08 21
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HCPKT 2013 08 21
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Historical Commission <br />Minutes <br />June 19, 2013 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />10:30 AM in the Board Room on the second floor of the Library. <br /> <br />C. Discussion of process to fund a new museum building: Nothing more was added to the <br />discussion. <br /> <br />D. Update on the planning for a memorial in honor of fallen officer Victor Helburg <br />1. Possible receipt of donations by the Historical Commission to be directed toward the <br />Helburg Memorial Park: Former Historical Commission member and current Cultural <br />Council member Jennifer Strand was present to make a request of the Historical <br />Commission. She gave some background on Victor Helburg, the assistant marshal for <br />Louisville who was killed by a street peddler in 1915. A group of citizens, including <br />Jennifer herself, Museum volunteer Robert Sampson, and former Commission <br />member Brian Chamberlin, as well as Helburg’s descendants, is working on a plan to <br />raise funds and create a memorial by the 100th anniversary date in 2015. At this time, <br />an architect is donating his time and the memorial is being envisioned as a relatively <br />small park with benches by the Louisville police station. At the suggestion of the City, <br />which would become the owner of the memorial, the group is making a request of the <br />Historical Commission for the Commission to accept donations that are intended for <br />the Helburg memorial. Lynn Koglin suggested that a separate account be created for <br />this purpose. Dave Ferguson stated that he and a member of the the Helburg <br />memorial group should be cosigners on the account and requested that someone <br />from the Helburg memorial group be tasked with providing the thank yous and the <br />forms with the Commission’s tax ID number to donors to the memorial. The <br />Commission approved the creation of a separate account for donations received for <br />the Helburg memorial fund to be administered by the Historical Commission in its <br />capacity as a 501c3 nonprofit fundraising organization. <br />2. Consideration of whether a current Commission member should serve on the Helburg <br />memorial committee: Commission Treasurer Dave Ferguson stated that he is willing to <br />attend the Helburg memorial planning meetings when donations begin to come in. <br /> <br />E. Membership, Fundraising, & Events <br />1. Lynn, Anne, and Paula volunteered to contact members who have not yet renewed for <br />2013, as one last reminder to renew. Dan gave them the names and contact <br />information of the non‐renewing members. <br />2. Planning for Labor Day parade: Lynn Koglin reported on his planning for the parade <br />entry for this year. <br /> <br />F. Discussion/Approval of projects and expenses <br />1. Commission booth during June 21st Street Faire: Lynn Koglin and Bridget Bacon are <br />coordinating what Lynn will need at the booth. <br />2. Plans for using donated painting of the Historical Museum: The proposal to raffle off <br />the donated watercolor painting of the Jacoe Store has had to be reconsidered. It was <br />acknowledged that with the formation of a separate fundraising board and the desire <br />to do more targeted fundraising, the new board may have a use for the painting in <br />connection with a future fundraising project that would benefit the Museum, as the <br />donor of the painting intended. The Commission decided to defer for now the <br />decision of how to use the painting.
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