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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />May 21, 2002 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Council member Sisk recused himself from voting on Consent Agenda Item 4C - Award <br />Wells Fargo Banking Contract. <br /> <br />Davidson asked that the record reflect that Council member Sisk was excused from <br />voting on Consent Agenda Item 4C. <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA <br /> <br />Frosty Woolridge, 1458 Ford Place, Louisville, CO, addressed the issue of over <br />population and distributed written material to members of Council. The written material <br />consisted on letters he had written to 20 national television networks. He asked that <br />Council adopt a Resolution similar to the one adopted by the City of Aspen, which <br />addressed the over population problem in this country. He stated his desire to present his <br />findings to Council at a study session. <br /> <br />David Slavin, 358 Eisenhower Drive, Louisville, CO, a nine year resident, addressed the <br />recent water restrictions and voiced his concern for the lack of proper notice and stated <br />that the watering times, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., are confusing. He stated that he had <br />recently spent a great deal of money reseeding his lawn and asked for some flexibility on <br />the water restriction for citizens with similar situations. He explained that the ten minute <br />rule creates problems for areas with low water pressure. He noted that the water <br />restriction enforcement would be costly and take a great deal of the Police Department's <br />time. He proposed amendments to the City's water plan and suggested some flexibility <br />on the watering schedule, such as limiting the usage of water in the home in exchange for <br />flexible outdoor watering, and an exchange of watering days for rains days. <br /> <br />Chuck Hill, 233 Jackson Circle, Louisville, CO also addressed the water restriction and <br />proposed changes to the City's water plan. He suggested that instead of establishing <br />watering days, police enforcement, and low water pressure, the City calculate each water <br />account's usage for the prior year and allot 50% of that amount for this year. He stated <br />that any overage of the water allotment could be penalized by a surcharge. <br /> <br />Lynda Muhlbauer, 192 Regal Street, Louisville, CO voiced her concem over the water <br />restrictions and stated that she recently planted over 100 plants in her yard. She asked <br />Council to reconsider the time limits on watering days. She noted that Lafayette recently <br />developed restriction that limit the number of gallons of water per household, and Golden <br />has water restrictions of 2 hours/two days per week. She stated that the fine schedule <br />should have accompanied the watering restriction notice and voiced her opposition to <br />police enforcement of the water restrictions. <br /> <br />Gary Baxley, 319 W. Hawthorn Court, Louisville, CO, stated that the water restriction is <br />in direct conflict against his rights as an American consumer. He stated that Americans <br />are not expected to restrict their consumption of fuel, natural gas, electricity or water. He <br />suggested that if there was an indication of a water shortage, a contingency plan should <br /> <br /> <br />