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LIGHT, KELLY & DAWES, P.C. <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />WRITER SQUARE OFFICE TOWER <br />1512 LARIMER STREET, SUITE 300 <br />DENVER, COLORADO 80202 <br />SAh4u1.I.. J. LIGHT <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Board of Commissioners <br />Louisville Revitalization Commission <br />Malcolm Fleming, City Manager <br />FROM: Samuel J. Light <br />DATE: October 23, 2012 <br />SUBJECT: Fees for Legal Services <br />TEL. (303) 298 -1601 <br />FAX (303) 298 -1627 <br />E -MAIL slight <br />Based upon the firm's general review of its fees, services, and costs, we find it necessary to increase <br />our fees to the LRC effective January 1, 2013. We last increased our fees on January 1, 2009. While <br />cost - effective service is a primary goal of our,firm, and while we have been able to hold our fees for <br />the LRC for four years, we must also consider the ongoing increase in our own costs of doing <br />business. <br />Attached is a copy of the LRC's current Appendix A - Fee Schedule, which shows in blackline our <br />proposed 2013 rates. Our proposal would effect a $10 /hour increase in each of the hourly rates <br />charged by the firm for attorney services and paralegal and law clerk services. <br />We will forward to the City Manager two executed originals of this Appendix which, upon approval <br />and execution, may be attached to the Contract. We will continue to work with the L,R.0 to identify <br />and implement methods for managing legal services and fees, and are available to discuss this <br />proposal and our services to the LRC. <br />We appreciate the opportunity to serve as counsel to the LRC and take great pride in doing so. if you <br />have any questions or concerns, or care to discuss this matter, please contact me. <br />