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~Np~ry~pNp~p~~p~p~~~p~ 2893673 <br />II~IIIIIIVIpI~I II~Nq ~~ <br />Sec. 17.14.020 Applicability. <br />A. The regulations and requiremeints of Chapter 17.14 shall apply to all new development, <br />changes in use, or a substantial alteration or expansion of an existing use within the <br />boundaries of the Highway 42 Revitalization Area Plan, as adopted on September 13, 2003 <br />and as shown on the land use (plan exhibit. Except for certain industrial uses that are not <br />eligible for a substantial alteration or expansion as provided in Section 17.12.070, any <br />person proposing new development, a change in use, or a substantial alteration or <br />expansion, of an existing use, shhall first apply to the City for a rezoning to either the Mixed- <br />Use Residential (MU-R) Zone District or the Commercial Community (CC) Zone District <br />according to the procedures stated in Section 17.14.090. <br />B. Rezonings shall be consistent with Exhibit A, Land Use Plan Exhibit, which Exhibit is hereby <br />adopted by reference and incorporated into this title, and which Exhibit is set forth at the end <br />of this Chapter 17.14. <br />C. For purposes of this section, "s;ubstantial alteration or expansion of an existing use" shall <br />mean work to alter, expand, or enlarge an existing use (including alterations to a structure <br />housing an existing use) where the cost of work equals or exceeds twenty-five (25) percent <br />of the replacement value of thf; use or structure at the time of the proposed work. The <br />extension of an existing use to a. portion of a structure that was arranged or designed for the <br />use as of November 6, 2007, shall not be interpreted as an "expansion." <br />Sec. 17.14.030 Establishment of MU-R Mixed Use Zone District. <br />To implement the Highway 42 Revitalization Area Plan, the MU-R Mixed Use Zone District is <br />hereby created and subject to spE;cific regulations as set forth in this Chapter 17.14. The <br />boundaries of the mixed use zone districts are as depicted in Exhibit A, Land Use Plan Exhibit. <br />A. Residential Mixed Use Zone District (MU-R). <br />The Residential Mixed Uses (MU-R) District is intended to implement the residential <br />mixed use land use and planning goals depicted and discussed in the Highway 42 <br />Revitalization Area Plan. Areas zoned MU-R should be used predominantly for higher <br />density multi-family residential, with subsidiary commercial uses and civic uses that cater <br />to the needs of residents and transit commuters. <br />B. Commercial Community Zone District (CC). <br />The Commercial Community (CC) Zone District is intended to provide zoning which <br />would encourage the development of a limited range of highway oriented commercial <br />uses adjacent to Highway 42. The Commercial Community Zoning is intended to <br />address the market demand for highway-oriented commercial development in a form <br />that would protect the existinng residential neighborhoods as well as interface effectively <br />with the future mixed use development of the neighborhood. <br />Sec. 17.14.040 Adoption of Desiign Standards and Guidelines, and Relationship to <br />Existing Regulations. <br />A. Louisville Mixed Use Design Standards and Guidelines to Apply. <br />All development zoned Mixed Use Residential (MU-R) subject to this Chapter 17.14, and <br />zoned Commercial Commuinity (CC) within the Highway 42 Revitalization Area shall <br />comply with the Mixed Use Design Standards and Guidelines, except as expressly <br />3 <br />