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EXHIBIT A <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION DAMYANOVICH HOMESTEAD PARCEL <br />A tract of land located in the SWIG/4 of Section 13, T1S, R70W of the 6th P.M., County of <br />Boulder, State of Colorado being more particularly described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at the Center 1/4 Corner of said Section 13 from which the South 1/4 Corner of <br />said Section 13, bears S00°00'09"'W, 2708.39 feet (Basis of Bearing), thence S00°00'09"W, <br />706.37 feet along the East Line of staid SW1/4 of Section 13 to the Northerly Right-of--Way Line <br />of County Road 64 (Dyer Road), thence N80°58'40"W, 575.71 feet along said Northerly Right- <br />of-Way Line of County Road 64 (Dyer Road) to the POINT OF BEGINNING; <br />Thence continuing N80°58'40"W, 234.76 feet along said Northerly Right-of--Way Line of <br />County Road 64 (Dyer Road); <br />Thence N02°39'49"E, 210.17 feet; <br />Thence S86°41'41"E, 244.62 feet; <br />Thence SOS°25'51"W, 233.71 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; <br />Area = 53,084 square feet (1.2186 ac;res), more or less. <br />4 <br />