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Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes:Wednesday, August 21, 2013 <br />City Hall,749 Main Street, Spruce Room <br />I. Call to Order: <br />The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by Andy as Chair. Claudia <br />served as Secretary for Cullen who was unable to make the meeting. <br />II. Roll Call:):,Mary Ann Heaney, Andy <br />Members present(in boldCullen Choi <br />Johnson,Claudia Lenz, Jim BradfordMark PersichettiDave Szabados; <br />,; Staff Liaison <br />City-Council Liaison Emily Jasiack <br />Guests: present: Debby Fahey (running for City Council Ward 2) and Ashley <br />Stolzman (running for City Council Ward 3) <br />III. Approval of Current-Meeting’s Agenda: <br />The agenda was approved with no changes. <br />IV. Approval of May’sMeeting Minutes: <br />The minutes were approvedwith no changes. <br />V. Public Commentson Items Not on the Agenda: <br />Debby Fahey and Ashley Stolzmangave a brief introduction of themselves and a brief <br />overview of the wards that they are running for this fall. <br />VI.Urban Chickens <br />-(Mary Ann) <br />Mary Ann went to the last City Council meeting. Planning commission presented urban <br />chickens to city council and overall the council was very positive. The Chief of Policewas <br />there and stated that there would be no permits issued and that there are lawsin place for <br />abuse, noise ordinance, etc. This item should be on planning commission agenda for Sept. <br />12 <br />VII.Update on Urban Gardens <br />(Mary Ann) <br />Dave spoke with Joe Stevens of the Parks Dept. and Joesays to come up with a <br />plan and a budget. The water tap is $24,000 for ¾ inch line. Often the city waives <br />the fee for our own city parks. The City has to pay for its own water since it is <br />considered a “public trust”. So the $24,000 would need to be accounted for in the <br />budget. Joe Stevens’concern is ongoing maintenance. Even if you have citizens <br />interested now, what happens in year or more when interest may die down? Joe <br />would like to see it publicized to the city for input and support. He would like to know <br />what are the short and long term financial commitmentsneeded from the City. <br />Mary Ann has requested to be put on the Study Session to council to look for support <br />for the urban gardens with parks and public works. <br />IT was brought up that the owner of Sunshine and Rain may be interested in getting <br />involved. She apparently has educational classes on gardening offered to the <br />citizensof Louisville. Claudia and Mary Ann will pursue this avenue. <br />City of Louisville <br />Public Works Department 749 Main Street <br /> Louisville CO 80027 <br />303.335.4608 (phone) 303.335.4550 (fax) <br /> <br />