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6. Most Recent Audit or Audit Exemption Application: None completed as the <br />District neither spent nor received funds. <br />7. Copy of any filing required by or for the State Securities Commissioner: No <br />bonds have been issued, therefore none has been required, <br />8. A list of all intergovernmental agreements of the District: None. <br />9. Any alteration or revision to the debt service schedules provided in the operating <br />plan: None. <br />10. A list of all lease- purchase agreements and a summary of their terms: None. <br />11. A description of activities performed in the last budget year: Organization of the <br />District was by ordinance on August 15, 2000. The Board's organizational meeting, following <br />all required notices, was held on August 28, 2000 at which time various administrative tasks <br />were performed. Activity in the BID essentially stopped after the November 2000 election when <br />the authority to levy a tax was not passed by a majority of the electors of the District who voted <br />in the election (the vote was tied). The attorney for the District (Norman F. (Rick) Kron, Jr. of <br />Spencer. Fane & Grimshaw LLP) has been working with the Board on maintaining the BID. The <br />only activity in the last year has been the development of this Operating Plan and Budget and to <br />request City approval thereof. <br />12. An Operating Plan description of activities to be performed in the next budget <br />year (similar to this plan, although shortened) and a Budget for that year: Please see the text <br />above and the Exhibits attached hereto. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The BID Board would like to take this opportunity to thank the City Council and City <br />Staff for their assistance in the organization of the BID. Under Section 31 -25 -1211, C.R.S., the <br />City is to approve or disapprove the Operating Plan and Budget within 30 days of the receipt of <br />required documentation, The Board respectfully requests the adoption of a resolution or <br />ordinance of approval. <br />3 <br />DN 927048.1 <br />