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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 15, 2013 <br />Page 7 of 23 <br />mitigation. The approach in the design /build contract is to work in phases and do as <br />much flood mitigation as possible, without running afoul of the FEMA guidelines. Staff <br />will identify how much of the sprinkler system is actually operational to get <br />reimbursement from FEMA. He was not confident the City will receive FEMA's 75% <br />reimbursement for the improvements to the golf course. He wanted to make sure the <br />City has the resources to pay for the golf course improvements. <br />There was Council support for the design /build approach to rehabilitate the golf course. <br />RESOLUTION No. 55, SERIES 2013 — A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL <br />REVIEW USE (SRU) TO ALLOW FOR THE OPERATION OF A GUN CLUB, <br />SHOOTING RANGE, AND RETAIL AREA WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL (I) ZONE <br />DISTRICT AT 1721 BOXELDER STREET <br />Mayor Muckle requested a staff presentation. <br />Principal Planner McCartney explained the applicant Richard Weingarten, has requested <br />approval of a Special Review Use (SRU) to operate a gun club, indoor shooting range, <br />and retail store at 1721 Boxelder Street within the Industrial (I) Zone District, in an <br />existing building in the Colorado Technology Center (CTC). The Louisville Municipal <br />Code (LMC) was recently amended to allow gun clubs, shooting ranges, and retail stores <br />as Special Review Uses (SRU) in the I Zone District. <br />The applicant proposes to operate a private gun club and shooting range in 12,970 <br />square feet of the existing 22,178 square foot building located at 1721 Boxelder Street. <br />The shooting range will be open to members of the gun club and to law enforcement <br />officers for training. A retail operation, selling firearms and ammunition, is also <br />requested with the application. The applicant will follow all applicable federal laws <br />regarding the sales of firearms. <br />The request includes classrooms for gun safety classes, a gun smith workshop and <br />sixteen shooting lanes, which will be operated by twelve employees. One training class <br />is a video training course where the trainee is put into real life situations. This will be <br />valuable training for police officers. The applicant proposes minimal changes to the site <br />and the exterior of the building, with the majority of the tenant finish occurring on the <br />inside of the building. The parking requirement for this project is 36 spaces. The <br />applicant will use 36 of the 63 parking spaces in the shared lot. A security system and <br />strict policies will ensure safety while the business is opened. <br />Staff believes the proposed use is consistent with the criteria for special review uses <br />and recommended the City Council approve Resolution No. 55, Series 2013, a Special <br />Review Use (SRU) to allow for the operation of a gun club, shooting range, and retail <br />store in the Industrial zone district at 1721 Boxelder Street. The Planning Commission <br />reviewed this submittal at its September 26, 2013 public meeting and recommended the <br />City Council approve the SRU without condition. <br />