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Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board <br />Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 <br />nd <br />City Library, 951 Spruce Street, 2-Floor Meeting Room <br />I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Chair Mark Persichetti. Meeting <br />Minutes also to be taken by Mark (since he didn’t have to do so at our September meeting). <br />II. Roll Call: Members present (in bold):Jim Bradford, Cullen Choi, Mary Ann Heaney, Andy <br />Johnson,Claudia Lenz,Mark Persichetti; Staff Liaison Dave Szabados; substitute Staff Liaison <br />Diana Trettin; City-Council Liaison Emily Jasiack; Guest Laura Denton, member of OSAB. <br />III. Approval of Current-Meeting’s Agenda: Items VII & VIII to be deferred until our November <br />meeting, due to the absence of the presenters. The remainder of the agenda was approved as-is. <br />st <br />IV. Approval of August Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the August 21 meeting were <br />approved as-is. We did not have a quorum for our September meeting, so no business discussion <br />occurred, no Sept meeting minutes. <br />V. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda: none. <br />VI. Presentation -- Recommendations for New Trails, by Laura Denton: OSAB and the City’s <br />Parks & Recreation Dept are soliciting public comments and recommendations for changes and <br />additions to the city’s network of trails. They will accept comments through the end of this year, to <br />guide their work for 2014. Laura provided us with 8-page handouts of their open-house slide show, <br />copies of the current trails map, and their ‘Trails Recommendations’ form that residents can submit. <br />These materials can be found on the Parks & Recreation Dept’s webpage at the City website. <br />Laura gave a detailed briefing on the various types of trails for different levels of usage. She invited <br />us to review a large-size map on which she sketched our recommendations for trails access to areas <br />without trails now, and for refinements to current trails. We can submit more detailed proposals <br />before the end of this year. <br />VII. Status of CU Baseline Energy-Efficiency Study: Deferred until November meeting. <br />VIII. Public Planning, New Developments: Deferred until November meeting. <br />IX. Energy Efficiency and Renewables: Jim B recommended that Louisville develop and adopt a <br />Community Energy Efficiency Plan, such as that being developed in the partnership between <br />Lafayette and Xcel, with their ‘Green the Community’ plan. He recommended we could piggy-back <br />onto their program guide, as shown in the power-point slide show forwarded to LSAB members by <br />nd <br />Dave S in an Oct-2 email. <br />Diana T mentioned her prior work for the State of Georgia, and recommended we also look at guide- <br />lines such as that state’s program, a ‘sustainability tool kit for Georgia’. Some examples are: <br /> ; <br /> ; <br /> ; <br />City of Louisville <br />Public Works Department 749 Main Street <br /> Louisville CO 80027 <br />303.335.4608 (phone) 303.335.4550 (fax) <br />