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<br />sometimes designated "election") to be held in the voting wards in the City, on Tuesday, <br />July 7, 1992, between the hours of 7:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 o'clock p.m., questions <br />regarding the issuance of the City's general obligation bonds which appear in full in Section 4 <br />of this resolution. <br />Section 2. The provisions of the Colorado Municipal Election Code of 1965, <br />as amended and supplemented, shall govern the election on the questions, all as impliedly <br />modified by the relevant judicial decisions. <br />Section 3. The City Clerk shall give public notice of the close of registration <br />for the election by causing a notice to be published in The Louisville Times. a bi-weekly <br />newspaper of general circulation in the City, publication to be no later than June 3, 1992. <br />Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: <br /> <br />- 3 - <br />