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set back two - and -a -half feet from the front lot line and the front of the existing building. <br />This complies with section H16(2) of the Design Handbook. <br />The rear of the addition will be set back over 20 feet from the rear lot line, allowing room <br />for access and loading. The dumpster and an optional external cooler are proposed to <br />be kept in this location, not visible from the street or the plaza to the north. There is no <br />maximum lot coverage or landscaping requirement in Downtown Louisville. <br />t <br />E <br />6 <br />11111Y LLIUMILL <br />Parking <br />Under section 17.20.025 of the Louisville Municipal Code (LMC), additional parking is <br />not required for additions of up to 999 square feet. Therefore, no parking is required as <br />part of this proposal. However, any future addition pushing the total added square <br />footage above 999 square feet would be required to add parking at the ratio of one <br />space per 500 square feet or pay the parking improvement fee, which is currently <br />$3,600 per space. <br />Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation <br />The property currently has vehicular access at the rear for loading and unloading from <br />an alley which runs from Pine Street to the parking lot to the north. The proposed <br />addition would not affect this access. <br />Pedestrian access is provided by the sidewalk on Front Street, which serves the <br />existing front door at the intersection with Spruce Street. The addition would not alter <br />the existing access, and would add another door along Front Street. <br />